Crashing all the time since last update

Saw on here that there was a small patch 16hrs ago to fix certain game crashes but today all I’ve been doing is crashing.

No GUID, no crash logs either

1.) crashed when a player died to a leech
2.) crashed when opening chests
3.) crashed when opening the athanor as client
4.) crashed when minotaur charged into me
5.) crashed when I got hooked

Idk what’s causing it either. Since the game came out, I’ve only had 5 game crashes in total.

Now, it seems like every time I open the game it crashes.

I have not been able to complete a single game today.


Sorry to hear you’re having such a rough time with crashes @SirKruber :frowning:

We’ve got a hotfix coming, hopefully today, which should address a few of these.

If you encounter further crashes post-hotfix, where possible, if you can provide crash reports or just console logs, that would be great.

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If I get another crash after the next hotfix, I’ll send whatever reports I can. I already cleared my console logs. I do it every week on Mondays so the folder doesn’t get too big.

I didn’t get a single crash log at all last night. I never seen that before.

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