Crashing a the end of chaos wastes

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

After dealing with a rampart illusion monster at the citadel of eternity on legend from, this server issue pops up and I miss out on 3 emperor vaults and roughly an hour wasted =(. Is this a known issue or just brand new/recent? Steam Community :: Screenshot :: u for real? there goes roughly an hour of my time

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

As for reproducing the issue, I have no idea how this even happened…

Level Name (Optional):

[Chaos Wastes] The Citadel of Eternity

Reproduction Rate (Required):


Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Hi @mysterygamer,

Sorry to hear this.

If possible, can you please provide us with your console log from the session this issue occurred so we can take a look?

Thank you!

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