Crash in Against the Grain legend while fighting a horde

I got a crash playing as a client in Against the Grain legend. While fighting a horde, someone threw a grenade, and then less than a second later, a crash.

I am not using any overlay software, other than the Steam client’s.

Crash log states:

[Crash] Access violation (0xc0000005) in build 7ccc1924d8aa accessing address 000000000000010 from 000000014026F62A

<<Lua Stack>>   [0] [C]: in function ai_husk_locomotion_update
  [1] ...stem/systems/locomotion/locomotion_templates_ai_husk.lua:64: in function update
  [2] ...s/entity_system/systems/locomotion/locomotion_system.lua:217: in function update_extensions
  [3] ...s/entity_system/systems/locomotion/locomotion_system.lua:191:in function <...s/entity_system/systems/locomotion/locomotion_system.lua:190>
  [4] scripts/entity_system/entity_system_bag.lua:56: in function update
  [5] scripts/entity_system/entity_system.lua:409: in function system_update
  [6] scripts/entity_system/entity_system.lua:373: in function update
  [7] scripts/game_state/state_ingame.lua:870: in function update
  [8] foundation/scripts/util/state_machine.lua:145: in function update
  [9] scripts/boot.lua:662: in function game_update
  [10] scripts/boot.lua:465:in function <scripts/boot.lua:463>
<</Lua Stack>>

console-2018-09-09-15.13.55-4FF51644-38B0-4FE2-A563-E8D3 crash against grain legend while fighting a horde threw grenade.log (754.1 KB)

crash_dump-2018-09-09-15.13.55-4FF51644-38B0-4FE2-A563-E8D3.dmp (480.0 KB)

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