Could we get a Roadmap?

I dont Pay for a Roadmap. Nor do I Pay for anything in the Roadmap until I actually Buy it.

I did Pay for a Game that I already got. And I already have 120 Hours in it. Which means I paid less than Half a Dollar per Hour of Fun I had.
Frankly. Considering the last Time I went to have Fun with my Friends Playing Bowling, Billiard and other Games. I Paid nearly 20 Dollars for each Hour of Fun I had. This is a Bargain lol.

None of which is Related to me Wanting a Roadmap to See what Future Content I can Expect and When.

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None of this is related to my original point that even if you get one, it doesn’t mean that things that are on it will be actually done. Hence the questuon: why would anyone want a useless list of lies?


Roadmaps are a bad idea for fatshark.

They are just a list of things you may not ever see in game at all.

VT2 taught us this.

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I can´t remember a time where they actually said “We promise!”.

Plans can always change based on a lot of factors.


You are Assuming a Roadmap would be a useless list of Lies.
But You have no Evidence for that Claim nor have People any Reason to Believe your Word over the Word of Fatshark.

Putting it Plainly. For your Question of “Why would anyone want a useless list of lies” to work.
I would First need to Trust that what You say is the Absolute Truth without Question and thus a Roadmap would be a useless List of Lies.

This however is not the Case.
If I am given the Choice between Taking Your Word and the Word of Fatshark.
Then I Trust Fatshark alot more than You.
So Your Question becomes a Meaningless Fallacy that tries to Force your Opinion about Fatshark onto Others.

My Opinion however is that a Roadmap would be a Valuable Source of Information that allows me to have a Rough Idea about what Features Fatshark is Working on and around what Time we can Expect these Features to be Added to the Game.

We don’t assume it would be a list of lies, the company has taught us this.

I’m simply not naive enough to believe the same thing from the same company twice after the first time was indeed a useless list of lies.

If you want to be, be my guest.

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I have not seen a Roadmap for Darktide Yet.

Unless You mean the one they Posted about the Preorder Beta which basicly only Promised 13 Maps on 5 Zones and some New Map Conditions.

Both of which they Delivered on Release.

I know Darktide was Originally Supposed to come out Earlier but was Postponed.
But I think Covid was a Good Enough Excuse to let that Slide given its something that caused Companies all around the World including Game Companies to Delay Products.

Is there any other Roadmap I should be aware of ?

You simply want to ignore everything fatshark did in VT2, that’s fine, but I won’t do it.

My experience with this company is they are a clumsy mess, they change focus all the time, they talk about features that never happen, content gets delayed by months if not YEARS.

The one time they did a roadmap for vt2, it got turned into a meme by the community because barely anything on it actually happened, and not a single thing that actually happened, happened on time.

They are the exact same team, not a different division of the company, so of course, I’m not going to trust any planned features they publish, either on a roadmap or not.

Happens the same with crossplay, people ask for it all the time, they said they want to do it in the future, but the way they release updates simply doesn’t allow for this to happen.

This company has always released updates the same way, since VT1, they release a big update that breaks half the game, then they slowly fix it over a myriad of small hotfixes, this doesn’t work on gamepass/MS store because there’s a certification process, you can’t have crossplay when one of your platforms is days behind in patches, it has already happened and we only have 2 hotfixes, the release version of MS store wasn’t even the day one version, it was a slightly tweaked pre launch beta.

So allow me to say, there will never be crossplay because I know how the company operates and has been operating for over 5 years, and unless they completely change that, crossplay isn’t even on the table.

The same way, I know they won’t be able to release a class per quarter, because it took them years to release just 4 classes for VT2, and they got constantly delayed in the process, and they even haven’t finished yet, sienna still hasn’t got her 4th career, while the first one added was back in 2020.

You want a roadmap? Cool, but anything on it is useless, as learnt from experience.

Look, I love fatshark games, but they are not a company that operates well thinking on the long therm, so a roadmap is worth nothing.


That is precisely correct. Assumptions based on prior actions are not evidence.

However, there is a legal principle of ‘falsus in uno - falsus in omnibus’, which I’m applying to FatShark’s public communications.

That is called an opinion. I don’t know how to force it onto anyone using text on a screen. If you feel you’re being forced an opinion on, please stop reading this.


a roadmap is needed, we are not in VT2 but DT you will say it’s a game similar, exept one is a game as service while the other is not. they don’t need to give exact date, but can by example tell us what is planned to be done in the 4 month coming…by example we know that throught december we will get the craft… even if they need to go until january is not the trouble, knowing where the game go is important for a game as service.

because right now we have a lot of question without answer:

  • where is the story?
  • where are the 10 missing weapon?
  • new class, do they will be subclass of the one we have already (like VT) or true new class?
  • do they plan any event?
  • how many new map or area can we expect until the first new class come out?

and that some of the stuff they need to come and explain what is them plan… we are not into a game a la VT in terms of exploitation it’s the game as service… if they want people to accept the cosmetic shop as he is right now… they need to come out and tell us where we go? or they will have a worst backlash coming.

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We were told Crafting is getting rolled out over December. If that’s not done by then then what is the point in listening to them regarding anything?


I consider it extremely weird that they’ve not said anything since launch regarding the game and how it will function as a live service. What’s the reason for this? Ship an unfinished title and call it a live service, think about the details later.


Push for what? You’re assuming we have influence over the corporate bureaucracy which rules over Fatshark. That whole “Player-Centric” is just market speak that looks nice on advertisement for potential investors. If these developers cared they’d be involved in the discussion, explaining their game philosophy, engaging with us, responding to issues, debating; the fact they’re not, speaks volumes.


As I said multiple times, they lack a clear direction. They sail on sight, adding mostly bugged or broken features, ignoring blatant problems. The only constant we can see it’s an evident sadism against the players using fake difficulty to challenge them.




In all fairness though. I would rather call it overpromising AND not communicating with their players.

I would probably say that 1) I don’t really trust that they have a handle on things and 2) that they sometimes seem to lack a unified vision of what the game should be (and offer).

I never played the first Vermintide, but according to everyone I asked about it, it was a fun mess that ended up being a really polished product by the end of it’s lifespan (soon before release of Vermintide 2). Vermintide 2 underwent the same journey. I love the game, but looking back and calling it a rough journey is definitely an understatement (that almost made me refund Darktide on the 29th).

Thing is though, that they already dropped the ball on things like the crafting system. There is a reason for why the crafting is delayed, which you can find in a third-party game magazine, but apparently it’s not a good plan to communicate the whys of the delayed crafting system clearly before release and via official channels, but instead let people complain about it and hope they find answers from article published by a 3rd party?

Point is: If you can’t deliver something you should have (this goes for weapons too) be proactive and communicate it. If you promise dedicated servers (VT2) and can’t accomplish it, be clear about the fact that you 1) tried, 2) can’t, and 3) that it wont happen. Communication is key.

That last minute toughness change tells you all you need to know. Instead of making sure the game abilities were working correctly they rushed out something because of kneejerk fear and broke the game. Absolutely no dev or manager worth their salt would have thought that was a good idea. Even if you agree with the change the way it was implemented is so pants on head it beggars belief.

Game has been out a week tomorrow and we have no communication on anything. A couple of hand ringing comments about the cosmetic store being a “misunderstanding” and that’s it. They went gaming “journalists” because they’d not get asked any further questions like “You say it’s the store bundles that are causing negativity but surely that’s just been exacerbated by game performance issues and lack of content, would you agree?”


Thing is. I never Played VT2.
And so far when I heard about it. It was from People on Steamforums Complaining that Darktide diesnt have all the Cool Features and Content from VT2.

So apparently they Delivered a Crabton of stuff for VT2.

And well.
I dont know about Crossplay at all.
I wouldnt want it either cause Console Generally Sucks for FPS Games. And I dont wanna Play with People that cant Aim for Crab or get Autoaim.
But different story.
Point being. I dont know what Fatshark Promised there.

You say Fatshark has stated they want to do it in the Future.
But thats Super Vague.
It doesnt even mean its Coming.

So if thats the type of thing where you say they broke a Promise that doesnt seem right to me.

Too bad this isnt a Courtroom.

On a mire Serious Note.
Then let me return the Favor.

A Roadmap would be a Great way of Fatshark telling everyone when exactly each new Piece of Content will be added.
Who in his Right Mind would not want one ?

Notice what I did there ?

Thats called presumption.
I just go ahead with the Discussion as if you would already agree with me on the pretxt.

They didnt deliver a crabton of stuff, the people who say that about Vermintide 2 either forgot about or never experienced the release version. The content of release Vermintide 2 and Darktide is around the same, V2 just had way more classes and more enemies.

Fatshark did advertise Vermintide 2 as having dedicated servers, so that is indeed a promise they failed to deliver. It wasnt there at the start, which made the advertisement already a lie, it didnt came with the roadmap and was eventually ditched alltogether.

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Yes I have - you added the ‘in the right mind’ bit that was absent from my posts, and by doing so you have hinted that you just cannot help insulting people when your point of view gets confronted.

Whatever makes you feel superior, mate.


I would like a roadmap.
FS may not deliver on time, but at least I can get a rough estimate of supposedly “when” things would arrive for the game.

More information is better than no information. Why else did everyone complain about having no stats in game for armory and mission scoreboard?

It is okay to be salty that they aren’t punctual, but it is kinda strange to not want a roadmap. lol