Could Psyker get Bolt Pistol as accepted through Lore?

I sincerely hope so, this would be a nice boon to psykers.

Can, yes; will, who knows.

There’s nothing stopping psykers from using shotguns, they just don’t in Darktide.


Weapon availability is often less about lore and more about class identity and balance.

So it’s possible that the Psyker will also have the Bolt Pistol, but it might be that it won’t too


Im would like to see boltpistol as new weapon on psyker. Im play gunpsyker very often and have all weapons already maxed out.

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Strictly speaking I don’t see why a Psyker couldn’t have a Bolt Pistol.

That said, I don’t believe GW has ever made any non-Astartes/Inqiusitor psyker models with a bolt pistol, nor can I recall art or lore of any. Guard psykers for instance always have Laspistols.


Well, they also haven’t made psykers with full size lasguns or autoguns either to my recollection. A bolt pistol seems more plausible than a giant autogun.


As far as i can tell, it is most likely to happen yes, as the Ogryn also gets to have its new weapons, I think the Bolt Pistol will be available to Psyker, Vet, and Zel. My best guess is that it will fill that niche between revolver and auto pistol, yet hoping they make it give the boom boom power of the bolter.


I assume Psyker will get it, as with their current weapon allocation philosophy it seems far more likely than the double barrel shotty or the shock maul.

It would be hysterical if Psyker got none of the new weapons however.


Tbh I’d rather the Psyker get new variants → Staves


New weapon: Force Rods

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lasguns and autoguns were common options for imperial psykers in older editions of the game. (bolt pistols were not, as power drift had not hit the low-end characters at that point and S3 guns were still fine back then)


It wouldn’t exactly be shocking, sadly.

We psykers could as lore would allow it but id much rather have a Singing spear or a Nemesis Force Halberd. I just doubt we would ever be allowed any grey knight weapons tho

The exact, copied design? No. And it wouldn’t be called “Nemesis.” However Force Axes are 100% on the table, and GW had made Force Axes that look like halberds. I believe I have a limited event SPM Librarian with a Halberd type Axe somewhere.

Also an actualy melee Force Stave would be neat.

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I’m imagining a Reject Psyker trying to wield a 10 foot pole nearly as thick as a 2-liter soda bottle with a 4ft blade at the end :rofl:


It could be wielded with some kind of battle harness i suppose

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that would be dope, nothing like fatshark would do though

Psykers could use a stave update, and a new stave )=

Staves need a special attack that is actually special, not to mention unique primary fires and blessings that actually function.


Their small wrists and feeble forms cannot handle the bolt rounds. It is a sad state of affairs.

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