Anybody else hope they add a bolt action rifle?

personally, i think that a bolt action rifle would be great for many reasons but the number one is drip the number 2 is sniper builds that aren’t just the helbore or the revolver. personally, i feel like a 3rd reason would be just for the sake of having another weapon that we can use on psyker and vet.


or this



Bolt actions aren’t really a terribly “40k” weapon type, that’s not the sort of thing I’d look for out of a title like this (same with stuff like the double shotty and revolver). I mean, yes there’s references in the lore to some bolt action-esque weapons, but they’re generally very low-tier weapons, and I’m not sure what designspace it would work in that isn’t already filled by Lucius lasguns.


98% of combat in darktide happens much too close for sniping so you’re asking for a gun that depends on your team protecting you while you slowly pick off a few guys at snap-fire range. this said, the headhunter autoguns are literally sniper autoguns and excel in being useful sharpshooting options without being useless in close support fire.

also if i see a psyker trying to run off to play sniper i’m telling the team not to res him, that’s like the worst a gun psyker can get.


I hope they add a new smaller power sword with less power but more mobility. I heavily favor weapons that you can perform a charge attack while running. For example, Catachan and Combat Knife. Those are very fluid weapons and I like them a lot. Hopefully they give one to power sword lineup.

maybe nerf the zarona, and add a bolt action sniper rifle that behaves exactly like this



Message received: you now have a bolt action Boltgun.


Bolt Action sniper rifles are designed to maximise that one chance you’ll get to hit a target.

I’m not sure how that would reconcile with a horde game like Darktide? How would you balance that? So; zero sway, tight as an otters pocket cone of fire. Huge damage.
Then … Great, you’ve killed one target! But now you’ve a 5 second reload?

I do like sniping. But how would it work in DT? What role would it fulfil? It just sounds like it’d be a worse brain burst in essence, no?

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Vermintide did have handguns so its not like its totally out of the left field for the series.
Problem here is that zarona already fills that roll and infinitely better.

The boom from bolt action would have to be really significant for it to have any niche in the current game.

I forgot about Las Locks…god i want one now rofl

Also @RTO i could see a power saber like on the common Commisar artwork fitting this role

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When I want “sniping” I use the revolver. I say “sniping” because this revolver can kill in one shot in the head special ennemies (or 2 or 3 hit max). If you want something near of sniping sensation : got a good revolver !

The Agripinaa slug-shotgun used to fulfil that role, prior the the pistol meta.
When you think about it; pretty odd that a pistol with no sights to aim down, and a shotgun likewise, would be the best at long range anti infantry??!

And slugs for accuracy rather than a rifled barrel? Ha ha. kk.

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