Bolter buffs / New bolter additions

The current bolter in the game is perfectly fine damage wise but it’s so SLOW to pull out in the middle of the fight to kill something dangerous and it’s currently outclassed by the plasma gun.
I think either a buff to the pullout time for the boltgun is in order for it to compete with the plasma gun or introduce new marks/variations of the bolter like

  1. A lighter but weaker and faster firing mark for closer range gun fights. Magazine of 25

  2. A bolt pistol, fast draw, high crit chance and weak spot damage. Magazine of 7-8

  3. “Heavy” variant, single and burst fire only. High damage and penetration. Magnified scope. Magazine of 10

Different bolter types could play into a lot of the blessings for the bolter being used like calvicade and surgical. Right now I feel only shattering impact and pinning fire are the only ones being utilized. I’m open to suggestions and discussion, just trying to see the iconic boltgun be utilized more.


I’d settle for glow iron sights of some sort. Struggling to see the sights after the long draw is killing me the last few games. 20 round mag instead of 15? Give us something! Since they are introducing new marks of other weapons, your suggestions are pretty good.


Datamined Bolter variants!



This is part of a greater series of datamined content that have even included the weapons added in The Traitor Curse Part 2, so it’s fairly reliable.


Excellent! Now all we need is a bolt pistol!


I just think the game needs more bolters it being a warhammer 40k game and all. They can all fill in certain roles. A light variant for counter shooters and specialist hunting. Standard variant, heavy precision variant for boss melting/ armor penetration. Bolt pistol for more agile/ melee focused classes


If you remember Killzone 3, I had an idea for the Heavy variant of the Revolver (we have the medium and light variants out now)

The 3-round shotgun handgun thingy is what came to mind, because the medium variant is already really OP (I’m scared for how broken the Plasma Pistol is gonna be if they add it) so having 5 rounds in it would probably be a bit overkill, and I think that simply lowering the fire rate would just be really unsatisfying.

Funny, I have the opposite opinion.

I’m fine with how slow and unwieldy it is, but I feel it’s too weak as it can barely kill two crushers before reloading.

I think it either needs more ammo or more damage.

BTW, I only play Zealot, never Veteran.


if i remember right bolter pistol was datamined aswell, so i guess its not that long to wait


maybe add a revolver carbine/rifle, just like we have one in Hired Gun? But i guess it would make it more useful over than helbore lasguns that are already rare to see in hands of rejects…

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Wouldn’t mind a Bolter with different specialist rounds as well.

Maybe a bolter with Krak rounds for carapace and doing damage to larger enemies or Inferno bolts for burning fleshy enemies such as infested or maniac. I would even take it as a special activation to have 1 mag extra since the bash shove is a bit bland for the bolter

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There was a datamined Veteran-unique “Stub Rifle” but there was never an icon to match. It’s probably not a Revolver-Rifle, though!

This. For EVERY weapon. Been using the Lucius pattern rifles and heck do they need some glow sight action-- at range (where you WANT TO USE THEM) it makes for difficult target acquisition, and it’s only worse in a horde.


The Helbore is the Krieg Lasgun, after all. Krieg is based on WW1 and French soldiers used Radium glow sights on some of their rifles during that time, so why not?

I actually don’t use several weapons just because the sights are annoying. Lucius is one of them. Bolter is fine in most cases, but with the sway and terrible lighting in most of the game it’s a struggle. Also, glow sights look pretty cool. Even bright yellow or green oil paint on the sights would be an improvement if they don’t want to give us full glow. I mean, this is 40k and everything kind of sucks, but we aren’t actually living in the 40k universe yet.

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My other complaint about the Helbore is the swapping animation - it is NOT viable for intense engagements. The amount of times that I’ve failed to kill a Bomber or a Flamer in time before they coat the whole place in flame simply because the Helbore’s swapping animation is too long/slow is just… UGH!

The only strong point of the Helbore is the bayonet (not the Mk III, that one is WEIRD) because it’s actually balanced. For context, I use the Mk II.

Yeah, the Helbores are rough for that… which is why when I’m using it I’m running basically full sharpshooter: I do everything I can to keep it out. I tend to prefer the weaker, faster MKII variant since the stab attack deals with some of the most lethal close quarters enemies for me: Ragers (they’re exceptionally hard to stagger from a safe distance with most melee weapons once they’ve already started attacking). They get staggered with special attack spam from the MKII and drop in only 2-3 hits to the head, plus the attack is pretty quick, just not exceptionally useful for horde clearing.

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I love the Mk II Helbore. I run Survivalist, VoC and a LOT of damage/reload speed buffs with it, so that I only have to use my Mk III Power Sword if we’re being OVERRUN and my bayonet just isn’t fixing it. That does (as you said) negate he swap time issue a bit because I’m usually using it, but it’s still ROUGH.

I play a lot of zealot myself, I just don’t have the slow switch time problem with anything but the bolter. I can kill a line of crushers no problem but if it takes 3 years to pull the damn gun out it just makes it feel clunky, if it’s going to be clunky then it should deal more damage

That would be my most looked forward to weapon aside from a new shotgun. Not a new mark of the combat shotgun but like a heavy shotgun

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