Constant game crashes in The Hourglass - Disruption

Hi, this is my first ever post so I’ll try my best to follow the correct format.

Issue Description:
This is going to sound a little vague, but there is something very wrong with the first locked door event on The Hourglass - Disruption mission. I cannot recall a single playthrough of this mission where my game didn’t crash during this event - last time it happened twice in quick succession (the second time was about 30s after relaunching and reconnecting).

Crash Report (If Applicable):
Crash report #1 (today):
01:34:16.241 [Launcher] [Launch Game] [Process Exit] Exit code: 0xFA718003
01:34:16.248 [Launcher] [Launch Game] [Process Exit] Start time: 12/18/2022 12:44:38 PM
01:34:16.248 [Launcher] [Launch Game] [Process Exit] Exit time: 12/18/2022 1:34:14 PM
01:34:16.248 [Launcher] [Launch Game] [Process Exit] Peak physical memory: 4939063296
01:34:16.248 [Launcher] [Launch Game] [Process Exit] Peak paged memory: 10827243520
01:34:16.248 [Launcher] [Launch Game] [Process Exit] Peak virtual memory: 89825689600
01:34:16.272 [Launcher] [Launch Game] Creating crash report
01:34:16.287 [Launcher] [Launch Game] Game Settings After Crash:
| adapter_index = 0
| aspect_ratio = -1
| borderless_fullscreen = false
| detected_user_settings = {
| adapter_index = 0
| borderless_fullscreen = false
| fullscreen = true
| fullscreen_output = 0
| language_id = “en”
| master_render_settings = {
| anti_aliasing_solution = 0
| dlss = 1
| dlss_g = 0
| dlss_master = “on”
| fsr = 0
| fsr2 = 0
| graphics_quality = “medium”
| nv_reflex_low_latency = 1
| ray_tracing_quality = “off”
| }
| max_worker_threads = 1
| screen_mode = “fullscreen”
| screen_resolution = [
| 1920
| 1080
| ]
| vsync = false
| }
| fullscreen = true
| fullscreen_output = 0
| gamma = 0
| gore_settings = {
| }
| interface_settings = {
| }
| language_id = “en”
| launcher_overrides = {
| }
| master_render_settings = {
| ambient_occlusion_quality = “low”
| anti_aliasing_solution = 0
| dlss = 1
| dlss_g = 0
| dlss_master = “on”
| dof_quality = “medium”
| fsr = 0
| fsr2 = 0
| gi_quality = “low”
| graphics_quality = “custom”
| lens_flare_quality = “sun_light_only”
| light_quality = “medium”
| nv_reflex_framerate_cap = 2
| nv_reflex_low_latency = 1
| ray_tracing_quality = “off”
| rt_reflections_quality = “off”
| ssr_quality = “medium”
| volumetric_fog_quality = “medium”
| }
| max_worker_threads = 1
| performance_settings = {
| decal_lifetime = 20
| max_blood_decals = 30
| max_impact_decals = 30
| max_ragdolls = 8
| }
| render_settings = {
| ao_enabled = true
| baked_ddgi = true
| bloom_enabled = false
| cacao_downsampled = false
| cacao_quality = 2
| decals_enabled = true
| display_noise_enabled = true
| dlss_enabled = true
| dlss_g_enabled = false
| dof_enabled = true
| dof_high_quality = false
| dxr = false
| fsr_enabled = false
| fsr_quality = 0
| fsr2_enabled = false
| fxaa_enabled = false
| gamma = 2.2
| hdr_rgb_format = “R11G11B10F”
| jitter_enabled = true
| lens_flares_enabled = false
| lens_quality_color_fringe_enabled = false
| lens_quality_distortion_enabled = false
| lens_quality_enabled = false
| light_shafts_enabled = true
| local_lights_max_dynamic_shadow_distance = 50
| local_lights_max_non_shadow_casting_distance = 0
| local_lights_max_static_shadow_distance = 100
| local_lights_shadow_atlas_size = [
| 1024
| 1024
| ]
| local_lights_shadow_map_filter_quality = “low”
| local_lights_shadows_enabled = true
| lod_object_multiplier = 1
| lod_scatter_density = 0.15
| motion_blur_enabled = false
| nv_framerate_cap = 60
| nv_low_latency_boost = false
| nv_low_latency_markers = true
| nv_low_latency_mode = true
| outline_enabled = true
| particles_capacity_multiplier = 1
| particles_simulation_lod = 0
| rough_transparency_enabled = true
| rt_checkerboard_reflections = false
| rt_light_quality = “high”
| rt_mixed_reflections = false
| rt_particle_reflections_enabled = false
| rt_reflections_enabled = false
| rt_shadow_ray_multiplier = 2
| rt_transparent_reflections_enabled = false
| rtxgi_enabled = false
| rtxgi_scale = 0.5
| sharpen_enabled = false
| skin_material_enabled = false
| ssr_enabled = true
| ssr_high_quality = false
| static_sun_shadow_map_size = [
| 2048
| 2048
| ]
| static_sun_shadows = true
| sun_flare_enabled = true
| sun_shadow_map_filter_quality = “medium”
| sun_shadow_map_size = [
| 2048
| 2048
| ]
| sun_shadows = true
| taa_enabled = false
| ui_bloom_enabled = false
| upscaling_enabled = true
| upscaling_mode = “dlss”
| upscaling_quality = “auto”
| vertical_fov = 72
| volumetric_data_size = [
| 96
| 80
| 128
| ]
| volumetric_extrapolation_high_quality = true
| volumetric_extrapolation_volumetric_shadows = false
| volumetric_lighting_local_lights = true
| volumetric_reprojection_amount = 0.625
| volumetric_volumes_enabled = true
| world_interaction_size = [
| 512
| 512
| ]
| world_space_motion_vectors = false
| }
| screen_mode = “fullscreen”
| screen_resolution = [
| 1920
| 1080
| ]
| sound = {
| }
| sound_settings = {
| option_master_slider = 27
| options_music_slider = 60
| voice_chat = 2
| }
| threads = {
| }
| version = 2
| vsync = false
01:34:16.462 [Launcher] [Launch Game] Crash report created in C:\Users\UKGC\AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide
01:34:16.462 [Launcher] [Launch Game] Starting CrashReporter.exe
01:34:16.462 [Launcher] [Launch Game] LOGGER CLOSE
01:34:16.462 [Launcher] [Launch Game]
01:34:16.748 [Crash Reporter] LOGGER OPEN
01:34:16.800 [Crash Reporter] Extracting zip file C:\Users\UKGC\AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide\
01:34:17.036 [Crash Reporter] Loading CrashReport from: C:\Users\UKGC\AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide\crash_report_cache.cache
01:34:17.631 [Crash Reporter] Creating Crash Detail Dialog…
01:34:22.001 [Crash Reporter] Uploading crash to uploader…
01:34:22.029 [Crash Reporter] Checking for CrashifyUploader.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer 40,000 DARKTIDE\launcher\CrashifyUploader.exe
01:34:22.030 [Crash Reporter] Starting uploader process…
01:34:24.783 [Crash Reporter] Upload to crashify DB successfull
01:34:24.783 [Crash Reporter] Uploaded to crashify, guid: 34f8c39f-3a6b-4b39-8e60-20da49252ec3
01:34:24.784 [Crash Reporter] Creating Crash Link Dialog…
01:34:24.784 [Crash Reporter] Launcher Directory (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer 40,000 DARKTIDE\launcher
01:34:26.023 [Crash Reporter] LOGGER CLOSE
01:34:26.023 [Crash Reporter]

Crash report #2 (today - about 5min later after reconnecting to the same game, in the same section of the same map)
01:36:48.955 [Launcher] [Launch Game] [Process Exit] Exit code: 0xFA718003
01:36:48.955 [Launcher] [Launch Game] [Process Exit] Start time: 12/18/2022 1:34:39 PM
01:36:48.956 [Launcher] [Launch Game] [Process Exit] Exit time: 12/18/2022 1:36:47 PM
01:36:48.956 [Launcher] [Launch Game] [Process Exit] Peak physical memory: 5284941824
01:36:48.956 [Launcher] [Launch Game] [Process Exit] Peak paged memory: 9818128384
01:36:48.956 [Launcher] [Launch Game] [Process Exit] Peak virtual memory: 69943013376
01:36:48.966 [Launcher] [Launch Game] Creating crash report
01:36:48.974 [Launcher] [Launch Game] Game Settings After Crash:
| adapter_index = 0
| aspect_ratio = -1
| borderless_fullscreen = false
| detected_user_settings = {
| adapter_index = 0
| borderless_fullscreen = false
| fullscreen = true
| fullscreen_output = 0
| language_id = “en”
| master_render_settings = {
| anti_aliasing_solution = 0
| dlss = 1
| dlss_g = 0
| dlss_master = “on”
| fsr = 0
| fsr2 = 0
| graphics_quality = “medium”
| nv_reflex_low_latency = 1
| ray_tracing_quality = “off”
| }
| max_worker_threads = 1
| screen_mode = “fullscreen”
| screen_resolution = [
| 1920
| 1080
| ]
| vsync = false
| }
| fullscreen = true
| fullscreen_output = 0
| gamma = 0
| gore_settings = {
| }
| interface_settings = {
| }
| language_id = “en”
| launcher_overrides = {
| }
| master_render_settings = {
| ambient_occlusion_quality = “low”
| anti_aliasing_solution = 0
| dlss = 1
| dlss_g = 0
| dlss_master = “on”
| dof_quality = “medium”
| fsr = 0
| fsr2 = 0
| gi_quality = “low”
| graphics_quality = “custom”
| lens_flare_quality = “sun_light_only”
| light_quality = “medium”
| nv_reflex_framerate_cap = 2
| nv_reflex_low_latency = 1
| ray_tracing_quality = “off”
| rt_reflections_quality = “off”
| ssr_quality = “medium”
| volumetric_fog_quality = “medium”
| }
| max_worker_threads = 1
| performance_settings = {
| decal_lifetime = 20
| max_blood_decals = 30
| max_impact_decals = 30
| max_ragdolls = 8
| }
| render_settings = {
| ao_enabled = true
| baked_ddgi = true
| bloom_enabled = false
| cacao_downsampled = false
| cacao_quality = 2
| decals_enabled = true
| display_noise_enabled = true
| dlss_enabled = true
| dlss_g_enabled = false
| dof_enabled = true
| dof_high_quality = false
| dxr = false
| fsr_enabled = false
| fsr_quality = 0
| fsr2_enabled = false
| fxaa_enabled = false
| gamma = 2.2
| hdr_rgb_format = “R11G11B10F”
| jitter_enabled = true
| lens_flares_enabled = false
| lens_quality_color_fringe_enabled = false
| lens_quality_distortion_enabled = false
| lens_quality_enabled = false
| light_shafts_enabled = true
| local_lights_max_dynamic_shadow_distance = 50
| local_lights_max_non_shadow_casting_distance = 0
| local_lights_max_static_shadow_distance = 100
| local_lights_shadow_atlas_size = [
| 1024
| 1024
| ]
| local_lights_shadow_map_filter_quality = “low”
| local_lights_shadows_enabled = true
| lod_object_multiplier = 1
| lod_scatter_density = 0.15
| motion_blur_enabled = false
| nv_framerate_cap = 60
| nv_low_latency_boost = false
| nv_low_latency_markers = true
| nv_low_latency_mode = true
| outline_enabled = true
| particles_capacity_multiplier = 1
| particles_simulation_lod = 0
| rough_transparency_enabled = true
| rt_checkerboard_reflections = false
| rt_light_quality = “high”
| rt_mixed_reflections = false
| rt_particle_reflections_enabled = false
| rt_reflections_enabled = false
| rt_shadow_ray_multiplier = 2
| rt_transparent_reflections_enabled = false
| rtxgi_enabled = false
| rtxgi_scale = 0.5
| sharpen_enabled = false
| skin_material_enabled = false
| ssr_enabled = true
| ssr_high_quality = false
| static_sun_shadow_map_size = [
| 2048
| 2048
| ]
| static_sun_shadows = true
| sun_flare_enabled = true
| sun_shadow_map_filter_quality = “medium”
| sun_shadow_map_size = [
| 2048
| 2048
| ]
| sun_shadows = true
| taa_enabled = false
| ui_bloom_enabled = false
| upscaling_enabled = true
| upscaling_mode = “dlss”
| upscaling_quality = “auto”
| vertical_fov = 72
| volumetric_data_size = [
| 96
| 80
| 128
| ]
| volumetric_extrapolation_high_quality = true
| volumetric_extrapolation_volumetric_shadows = false
| volumetric_lighting_local_lights = true
| volumetric_reprojection_amount = 0.625
| volumetric_volumes_enabled = true
| world_interaction_size = [
| 512
| 512
| ]
| world_space_motion_vectors = false
| }
| screen_mode = “fullscreen”
| screen_resolution = [
| 1920
| 1080
| ]
| sound = {
| }
| sound_settings = {
| option_master_slider = 27
| options_music_slider = 60
| voice_chat = 2
| }
| threads = {
| }
| version = 2
| vsync = false
01:36:49.086 [Launcher] [Launch Game] Crash report created in C:\Users\UKGC\AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide
01:36:49.086 [Launcher] [Launch Game] Starting CrashReporter.exe
01:36:49.086 [Launcher] [Launch Game] LOGGER CLOSE
01:36:49.086 [Launcher] [Launch Game]
01:36:49.301 [Crash Reporter] LOGGER OPEN
01:36:49.352 [Crash Reporter] Extracting zip file C:\Users\UKGC\AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide\
01:36:49.546 [Crash Reporter] Loading CrashReport from: C:\Users\UKGC\AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide\crash_report_cache.cache
01:36:49.994 [Crash Reporter] Creating Crash Detail Dialog…
01:36:51.797 [Crash Reporter] Uploading crash to uploader…
01:36:51.827 [Crash Reporter] Checking for CrashifyUploader.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer 40,000 DARKTIDE\launcher\CrashifyUploader.exe
01:36:51.827 [Crash Reporter] Starting uploader process…
01:36:54.042 [Crash Reporter] Upload to crashify DB successfull
01:36:54.042 [Crash Reporter] Uploaded to crashify, guid: e4d9660b-685f-463e-b272-35f87fbf728d
01:36:54.042 [Crash Reporter] Creating Crash Link Dialog…
01:36:54.042 [Crash Reporter] Launcher Directory (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer 40,000 DARKTIDE\launcher
01:36:55.405 [Crash Reporter] LOGGER CLOSE
01:36:55.405 [Crash Reporter]

Error Displayed (If Applicable):
No error message was displayed. My game simply froze and closed itself abruptly.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Play The Hourglass as Psyker (not sure class is important, but I only play Psyker)
  2. Arrive at first event with the large outdoor area and the door that needs to be powered up to open.
  3. Uh… wait and see I suppose?
    Honestly my game just randomly crashes every time I attempt this specific event in this mission. It’s no exaggeration to say it happens every time without fail, and I played the closed beta and the open beta. I figured it was just the regular stability issues, but this is clearly something else. There have been games where I’ve reconnected to the same team once they’ve passed through this event and I’ve been completely fine, so it has to be something about that arena event.

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
Roughly 1.30pm GMT, Sunday 18/12/2022

Reproduction Rate:
I want to say Constant (99-100%)
Once - Rare (<10%) - Unusual (<25%) - Common (<50%) - Often (<75%) - Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:
I’m afraid I don’t have any.

Upload Console Log:
Okay I thought this was what I’d done with the crash report above? I’m sorry, I’m very confused…

Upload darktide_launcher.log:
As above, I don’t really understand what I’m looking at. If I’ve missed any important info then please let me know and I’ll try to provide it.

Hi @Kibby,

Can you please provide a crash report of the full console log so we can take a look?


Same issue, if I join a quickplay match and they’re in that section of that level I’ll normally crash to desktop within seconds.