"Consecutive" Missions

I’m not grinding for the maelstrom achievement specifically but I do pop into maelstrom occasionally and that is largely the reason why I doubt I’ll ever finish it. There’s not much you can do other than fight a pointless last stand if 2-3 people ragequit and are replaced by bots. And I can tell for a fact that they alt f4’d because if they quit the mission normally the matchmaker can add a new player to the game in 30 seconds or less, but it will bar people from joining for many minutes if thinks someone “disconnected”.

4 maelstrom games today. In every, single, one, when someone went down and was about to die, alt-f4. The last game I played, I was the only one left and it was 3 bots because everyone had quit out. Needless to say, Auric Maelstrom with 3 bots didn’t go well.

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Been noticing lots of people auto quitting when they go down or die in Auric missions. Very unfortunate. And annoying.

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difficult situation imo for fatshark to choose how to address…

on one hand, lots of BS happens in game. I’ve seen people automatically get deleted by a chaos spawn.
I’ve seen people log into the game and immediately fall through the floor and die. I’ve witnessed team mates blow people off of ledges with barrels on purpose. I’ve joined games and immediately lost because who ever the 4th player was quit when the going got tough.

on one hand, yes the deck can be stacked. On the other hand, if you’re serious about getting the achievement you should probably be playing with a solid group of people.

If i log into a game and start to fall out of the world when I spawn, i’m probably going to want to alt F4 out. I don’t know what else to say. I can’t really fault people for it.


If you matchmake with anyone half decent its an auto win 100% of the time. The real issue is you not being able to hit “play” and get matchmaked into a pre-mission lobby instead of wherever the hell it likes taking you to

I don’t know if they changed somthing, but i joined into a game that loaded directly to the failed screen when i was 3/5 on Auric storm survivor and didn’t lose my progress. I then crashed from a game and weirdly dropped to 2/5 so ended up having to win 6 in a row. I confirmed this by checking auric elite(3) which was on 6/30 when Auric storm survivor reached 5/5

Honestly, my biggest concern isn’t the difficulty of getting the Penance. It’s the way I’m seeing it cause toxicity in the community.

Some of you who have replied here have expressed that you are perfectly sanguine about your streak being ruined and you’ll just start over again. Thank you for that.

However, not everyone seems to be as chill as you all are. I have seen people rage-quit when they go down or it looks like they will go down. I have seen people open their mic to yell at their team (whether it was deserved or not - often not) and THEN rage-quit.

This is a massive problem, because the whole point of the new Penances isn’t just to reward people who are badass already; it’s to provide incentive for new people to try more challenging modes of play. I’ll get the Penances eventually; I don’t care how long it takes or how many times I’ll have to retry. But I have a lot of friends who are perfectly capable of running Auric Missions (they’ve done it) who don’t want to any more, because of the pattern of poor behavior they’ve been subjected to.

I know about this because I’m on mic with them. However, what everybody else in the lobbies would witness is … nothing. Just fewer people playing those missions - and who notices an absence?

This hurts the whole community. More people playing a lot = more people getting good = an easier time finding lobbies with competent people. The devs can’t control player behavior, but they can keep an eye on the systems they institute to see how they are encouraging or curtailing player toxicity.


toxicity being people complaining about things not being handed to them

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I noticed a lot of players doing that before the new penances, its nothing new but this could be making it worse. It should settle in a week or so after the main core of players complete it.

I’ll start off with saying I don’t have “the solution” and I also don’t necessarily have a problem with consecutive this that missions without dying. (I’m still stuck at my 4/5 missions then death curse for i think that 6th time now …but whatever its gonna happen.

My problem, which anyone who has suffered it I think will agree, is the joining mid mission to someone’s game where (i think i saw briefly someone say just force close the game and your good) but before you even load into the game you are already incapacitated and or death screened immediately. So who ever quits to preserve their streak congrats your royally sabotaging someone coming in, so save the lack of skill commentary.

Getting into a premade likely the solution but having friends left that will even give the game a shot is in it of itself a shot in the dark but would make this a hell of lot easier but they’ve decimated this population unrecoverably? already

But like I said I don’t have the solution but the battle of getting your wins up only to get sabotaged by something you can’t control when joining is pretty tough.

Maybe a internal clock inside mission must be met before counting a mission as a win or death could work. idk just a cranky old reject

I gave the advice before and i will give it again:
If you have issues with being put into teams that are already failing, only join missions that recently popped up on the mission board.
If a map has only been up for 2 minutes, it is quite unlikely that you will find a group that is already wiping.

I have to agree

I mean, before someone saying “gitgud”, I completated every pre-rework penance

Penances must be hard, it’s true, but they should be fair, fun and less RNG possible too. IMO, and I repeat IMO, “consecutive” ones aren’t well thought

If the games stability wasn’t absolute dogsht and the matchmaking had some kind of protection as to not join games past a certrain checkpoint or with more than 2 downed players. I wouldn’t mind them making alt+f4ing an auto fail to stop cheesing.

I’ve had to restart auric storm 3 times at 4/5 now due to being thrown into unwinnable games:

  1. spawning into a sea of flame and instantly downing before being able to walk out
  2. spawning in a giant crusher horde with no room to dodge
  3. spawning in a tiny room with bulwarks, crushers and two weakened bosses

I’m all for clutching, because it’s the most fun part of the game but good god give me some room to dodge at least lol.

I’ll be giving it another go tonight, since I’m at 4/5 again, but if I happen to get thrown into another of those trash matches I’m seriously contemplating to just alt+f4. I just wish FS fix this stuff instead of cosmetics.

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if only that was an 1:1 equation, sadly i’ve seen a lot of true level > 200 absolutely oblivious to even the most basic aspects in a map they must have played a hundred times by then.

the reason i accept my streak getting f’ed (and i play auric maelstrom exclusively) is for it to mean something to me afterwards, so i can wear the item as the achievement it is intended to be.

to be honest, i’m far from chill :smile: but it stays in a private discord amongst people with the same temper :sweat_smile:

all im trying to say is i put honest effort into it and enjoy the process but some achievements should be hard on purpose to make them feel distinct.

So you already failed 3 times for the same reason.
At some point, you should learn from your mistakes and think about a solution.
Here is the solution for you:
Play with a (partially) premade group or

If you do not want to do either of the two options, you are willingly ignoring the solution to your issue.
Now, if it happens again, you only have yourself to blame for wasting your time by failing again.

Just lost a super long Chasm Station mission, because at the very end, everyone who went down just auto left the game. Killed my desire to play the game completely. I hope they never do streak penances again this is awful.

I’m not even going for the penance, just have to play with Brainlets who are.

Damn I wouldn’t have come up with that idea. What a novel concept.

Sarcasm aside, most of my regular group has quit the game until crafting gets fixed. I just came back to knock out a few of the penances.


Considering that you failed three times for the same reason, it does seem like you did not come up with solutions yourself. Or at least you did not make use of them. Maybe you didn’t really care.

If you have no friends who currently play, you can find other people.
I also prefer to play with at least 1 person i actually know, but we have to make do with what we get.

Or you go for the second option that i suggested for your specific issue: do not join into a mission that has already been on the board for more than a few minutes.
Check out the mission board. If the current maelstrom has been up for 20 minutes or so, just go afk until it gets a refresh and you should be golden.
I would rather go afk and do something else for 40 minutes, than reset another 4 runs of progress.
You might still get bad teammates, but at least you will not get an other instant wipe upon joining.

They’ll surely patch the “quit and the death doesn’t count” cheese for this, but generally speaking, team-reliant penances and cooperative puzzles show that they didn’t learn their lesson from the first round of penances. They’re still encouraging gameplay that ruins runs.

This is basically what happens to me on every auric maelstrom - I seem to get loaded into the middle of a practical joke level of enemies with nowhere to go and die in seconds. I just assumed this is how maelstrom is and have given up trying. I don’t even know what the goals or differences of maelstrom is tbh… Its not explained anywhere in the game.

I usually play auric damnation and survive and have good games at least 90% of the time.