The answer for this is that if the customer were to buy things directly, the storefront would receive a cut of the profit. Buying in game currency works around that
vermintide shared all the jewelry & all the crafting materials with all of your characters?
Sorry, but no. I spent hours in Vermintide 2, rolling item stats, creating armory of perfect red items for all possible builds. There it took time, but it was possible. Here it will take ridiculous time I do not want to spent. I will play 3-4 difficulty with those weapons I will get, will get bored and will drop the game until better times. I will not play more in vain hope that I will get perfect item through random, I know enough about random to understand how abysmal the chances are.
On the other hand, if creating of perfect item will be possible, I will be doing the same thing, creating my perfect armory, searching the best combination of stats for weapons to unlock it true potencial. It will take a lot of time filled with fun, testing and creation. Rolling should not block other perks.
Oh! But don’t forget:
We have learned a lot from our previous choices and gameplay surrounding crafting offered within the Vermintide series. For Darktide we wanted to take those lessons to expand and improve in such a way that crafting would become a central pillar of player progression, while giving more impact and agency to you, the player in your preferred playstyle.
From their crafting blog.
Absolute joke if they thing decisions like this actually mean that they’ve learned anything from the Vermintide series. IF THEY DID, then we would have something akin the the weaves crafting system since it’s pretty much universally agreed that it was the best part of that expansion.
They would…you know…just copy over the crafting system in VT2. You know, the one that they spent 4 years refining and “learning” from.
The amount of regressions this game has while the devs spend time talking about how they’ve “learned” is beyond laughable. Absolute joke.
I was waiting most of the week for this to drop, and I think now I’m even sadder.
Reading between the lines on this and when you consider all the “big topics” the community has been raising since the beta, this post acknowledges about 75% of the topics. Of the topics acknowledged, only about 50% of the specific issues were addressed. And of the ones being addressed, the majority of the responses were neutral or hinted at ill omens.
The things not mentioned speaks to what probably won’t get changed anytime soon (or ever, sadly).
More weapons: coming soon. That’s good. Keep it coming.
Emotes: Good to know this is being looked at: NO MENTION of allowing players to switch into first person view in the hub, joining their friends in a hub, jumping/sliding or otherwise being silly in the hub.
Crafting: Still more waiting to get the rest of the system and the “refine” process seems even worse that how it was described before. NO MENTION of the RNG shop and whether or not people can just craft basic items or always have a gray item of each type available to purchase (I’m assuming this will never be added then?).
Premium Shop: Aquila packs will be adjusted (good!). NO MENTION of opening up the whole shop or removing FOMO elements (hell even just rotating items that are on discount would be better).
Private & Solo Mode: Glad this is coming and being worked on. If you start a “solo game” can you invite friends? If you can, then why on earth would a private game become public if there’s only one player (e.g. if someone disconnects). If you can’t then “solo mode” is really clearly doing something completely different under the hood. All of it is more puzzling and confidence boosting.
Mission Board: NO MENTION of revamping the Mission Board to allow players to choose their own missions at a desired difficulty. The mission board needs a major revamp.
Weekly Challenges: NO MENTION of weekly challenges being tied to individual characters, the insanity of some of the challenges, the agony of trying to complete all five in a week. This is having a huge ripple effect on high level players rushing difficulty 1 maps and creating a toxic environment for new players.
Progression / Resource Sharing: This reads like “we don’t think we can and/or don’t think we want to change this.” More so, this only seemed to concern itself with Ordo Dockets. NO MENTION of sharing crafting materials, weekly currency, curios, or cross-class items. Feeling very negative about the prospects here.
Penances: This feels like a total mis-read of the concern. NO MENTION of the wildly different difficulty in achieving certain penances between classes or of the toxicity-inducing nature of trying to complete many of them. Many are only doable in pre-made groups. Private lobbies will help but these just need some serious re-thinking.
Scoreboard: NO MENTION of the status of adding a score board. Every other game that tried to launch scoreboard-less eventually caved in. Can we just get this over with already and have a scoreboard. I don’t care if it’s just my scores, or my scores relative to a team total/average, or based on an opt-in system. We need something.
Mission Rewards & Secondary Objectives: NO MENTION of how the core loop of doing missions can tie into a more predictable reward structure. No incentive to bother with secondary objectives (people just re-roll them if they are a challenge), killing demonhost, beating monsters, playing on harder difficulties, et. Where is Ranald’s god-forsaken gifts?
This community update didn’t respond fully to most of the “high circulation topics” and made no comment on most of the others. Taken as a whole, it’s pretty depressing - especially as we watch the steam score and player numbers dwindle. Very much like VT2 all over again where the great launch numbers disappeared into the Ethereum as most players just moved on quickly. Not a great look for a “Live Service” game.
Reading this a question comes to mind. Fatshark, are you Nurgle? Or some other one of those things?
I have no clue what you meant.
100% this. I have lost all of my faith and good will in Fatshark. Truly sad.
Ha Ha Ha.
The silence from Fatshark in this thread is deafening.
where’s the joke?
Ran off to discord where any criticism toward them gets shouted down by a legion of fanboys.
vermintide shared all the jewelry & all the crafting materials with all of your characters?
I see you frequently posting everything I feel but in a much more eloquent and organized manner than I do.
A point with the shared resources - don’t forget that aquillas are shared between characters. But not others. Hmm, I wonder why that is? What could possibly be the reason here?
Honestly a terrible update. Didn’t seem to pick up on most of the major points of concerns, and if they do, they either shifted the blame or don’t seem to actually understand why people have an issue with it.
I think the “we’ve learned from our previous choices” is just feel-good PR talk. Was anyone in the community using the term “progression siloing” before this release? I saw people complaining about it here and on reddit, but I never saw someone using the term “progression siloing.” I think that they may have accidentally admitted that the grind magnification was fully intentional by design.
Any Psyker love to be found here?
It’s really sad to play in the current state
This feels awfully lot like tasting waters how much they can screw their auditory and attempt to hold the same auditory by releasing small things bit by bit.
it is 100% by design. Look at how they straight up said that shared resources goes against their intended design - and yet shared aquillas don’t? Hmmm…
There’s so many instances here where there’s no explanation behind the game’s design other than waste our time. Come back every hour to check the shop? Come back to see if there’s a mission that you want to play with the difficulty you want with the sub-quest you need? Insanely long weeklies where many are RNG gated and also aren’t shared across characters?
It’s all just wasting time and actively punishing you to want to play more than 1 character. This feels like their reaction to only releasing 4 classes, where they realize that there’s so little content in this game that they have to artificially pad it. 15 in Vermintide 2 - this game actively encouraged us to experiment and try new characters and builds. This significantly increased the game’s playtime. Darktide? Only 4 characters so they gotta make sure that we spend as much time as possible on each one to make it feel like we’re getting the same value.
Honestly did the opposite for me. Now I don’t want to play more than 1 character and in general I don’t want to play this game at all. The devs messed up bad here and seem to not be willing to accept that they did.
I think something that would go a long way to making the dialogue between Fatshark and the community more productive would be if the community could reframe their criticisms more constructively. Gamers aren’t the most socially adept class of humans so learning this can be difficult. (I say this as someone who identifies as a gamer)
Looks like you can use something like ChatGPT to help with the reframing.
If I were @aqshy I’d just run all these Discourse posts through the above haha.
I dislike this. More grinding ?
Wondering what the design intent is behind siloing…
So it’s just a phrasing issue ?
There are other things that were a disservice to the game that have been implemented…