Community Update #5: Week 2

“This functionality will allow you to replace one Perk on a Curio or a Weapon. The same Perk slot can be replaced multiple times, but will block replacing other perks on the same item. This is the next step in building out our crafting system.”
This is the biggest downgrade I have ever read, so basically all the masterworked items I’ve gotten should just be dismantled because I won’t be able to replace the other perks, literally all I wanted was vermintide 2 winds of magic athanor that wasnt tied to one gamemode, copy pasted into this game, no fuss just apply exactly what you want after a bit of essence grinding. I guess we’ll be buggered out of swapping both our traits for weapons too whenever the rest of this ‘crafting’ system is released. Please Fatshark I want to keep enjoying this game but I don’t want to leave everything to chance its just so offputting.

“Since launch, we’ve seen feedback from many players requesting shared progression across characters to ensure a smoother progression loop. Our designers are taking this feedback seriously and are discussing how to best implement a solution that meets our players’ desires and gameplay goals while also striking a balance with the game’s design intent. This is a sizable endeavor, and its feasibility is still unknown, we hope to be able to share more information on its progress at a later time.”
You’re forgetting all the Plasteel and Diamantine we’ve amassed that our other Rejects sorely need, I’ve invested too much into Veteran I just can’t bring myself to play Ogryn with 0 Plasteel and 0 Diamantine.

I really want this game to be great but these two things (as well as limited cosmetic customisation (I want to change my armor/underclothing/decal colors) and the upgraded but still weirdly limited gore system) really put me off


Ugh… Can’t believe we’re only getting one facet of crafting, with the rest still in limbo. Not to mention Refinement will be artificially limited since it locks the other properties. In other words the odds of getting an item good enough to warrant ‘refining’ is still astronomical.

Also, not a single word spent on the god-awful, actively offensive time-gated RNG store as the only way of getting any loot at all. Is this yet another ‘design intent’ that is too precious to touch? Honestly, I would kindly suggest that it appears that quite a few of your design intents are rather… not good.

It also baffles the mind that you have design intents that are too holy to touch around siloing and making progression for more than one character take hundreds of hours. How on earth do you envision this system working? Imagine you had launched with 15 classes, like VT2. Imagine if you actually somehow manage to release plenty of new classes. Who the hell is going to want to grind through the new ones, starting from scratch every single time?

I think the disconnect between your design intents, and the game actually being fun, is massive, vast, gaping, astronomical in scope.


I think I know the answer, but the designers are aware of what kind of situation they put people into?

Not having enough dockets on a career when there is something in the store that you might need or want is simply painful if you went with playing some other career for an hour.

Or even worse:

Having a weapon drop, or in store on a career that would be perfect on another one is pure torment. This wont change in the slightest if we are only allowed to reroll half the traits, and no stats.

Right now we are in the very real situation that one could never get the weapon they are looking for. If the designers are after that experience, torturing their players, we are on track.


They know and they don’t care. They don’t want people to play their game. It’s quite bizarre. FatShark design philosophy is no fun allowed apparently.


“The same Perk slot can be replaced multiple times, but will block replacing other perks on the same item.”

But why? Why makes this game grindier than it already is? Do you want us to suffer, Fatshark? Please, make the progression more forgiving!

In addition, I really hope we won’t see escalating re-roll costs, introducing even more reliance on checking the store every single hour to get a good item after you already wasted all of your crafting materials on a weapon and “bricked” it with too high of a re-roll cost.

Speaking of, I see there is no response in this post regarding the extremely ill-received armory. Pretty much everyone I’ve seen hates this mechanic of having to check the shop so frequently.


Honestly I can’t see why it’s that hard/scary to cross.

The only challenge i ‘saw’ was if items/gear was shared in which low level characters could easily access high rank gear beyond when they should be able to (and them figuring out how to lock class specific gear form other characters of a different class??).

When it comes to currency, weekly, craftin mats this is the most balanced and similar to Vermintide “Chests” you can get…

Just because you start with 100k in the bank at lvl1, you can still only buy equipment suitable/available to your rank anyways… you can just… make them lvl 200 (low) mastercrafted items I guess? personally I wouldn’t waste the mats anyways. Hardly an imbalance having access to this and they could level lock the forge to if they had to (but still allow acquisition of materials)

Imo all they need to do is make the Weekly challenge table accessible at lvl1 (so you can progress the challenges if/when they work) while leveling up and still complement progress across all characters … or even lock the lvl11 store portion to spend currency on, but still allow challenge completion at bare minimum sub level-11 to not feel like a disservice by working on a new character, knowing you could “get more” playing your main one.

There is very little to “unbalance” the game with currency sharing … there would a bit with gear/trinket sharing which I get (but has been done in vermintide just fine anyways), but currency should be an easy, logical first step to implement.

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Yes, I do not know, nor get why you do not use real money prices, but getting 2400 and 100 Aquilas is just an band-aid for something which should not be there it the first place.
Anyway, it is a start to work with and going at least in the right direction.

Still the timers need to go, because they are a dark pattern per definition.
Give us the WHOLE INVENTORY and make sales which go one week, but stop time-gating skins.


Thank you for mentioning “Rev it up,” upgrading a chain weapon to an Orange and getting that perk feels absolutely horrible (happened to me twice :upside_down_face:).


Nope, but they do pay them due to the game being $40, this isn’t a free-to-play game by dude.


Aqshy!!! :slight_smile:


I’m sorry but…is this a joke? Holy hell what the hell is going on at Fatshark?

One of the key things you pointed out to us was a desire for more weapons.

no…You guys PROMISED 70+ weapons. Our desire was for you to launch the game with the promised number of weapons. Legit, how dare you word it this way and make it seem like this is an “us” thing?

in our next content update, we will add the “Refine Item” functionality to our crafting system. This functionality will allow you to replace one Perk on a Curio or a Weapon. The same Perk slot can be replaced multiple times, but will block replacing other perks on the same item.

We’re now aiming to have HALF of the crafting system ready…TWO WEEKS after launch? And not only that, but you’re making it still RNG? You guys specifically said in your crafting update:

For Darktide we wanted to take those lessons to expand and improve in such a way that crafting would become a central pillar of player progression, while giving more impact and agency to you, the player in your preferred playstyle. The nature of randomization and repetitive actions sometimes seen within crafting is something that we are steering to avoid in the crafting system within Darktide.

Bro like…How is LOCKING a perk from the RNG gated shop giving us agency to play how we want, and “avoiding” the nature of randomization? According to this, to get perks on a weapon we want, we STILL have to make sure that it has mostly the perks we want. Which is Random.

Our designers are taking this feedback seriously and are discussing how to best implement a solution that meets our players’ desires and gameplay goals while also striking a balance with the game’s design intent.

This is ridiculous, like actually insane. Shared resources was in Vermintide 2 and WORKED WELL. In what world, does this mean anything other than the “design intent” is to literally waste our time by actively punishing us to play a new character? Sorry, this design intent is garbage. It is bad. It is not good. Please for the love of god listen to your community and players when they tell you this is garbage and they don’t want it. It worked well in VT2, why wouldn’t it here? You seem to have no problems making Aquillas a resource that’s account wide. Does this not also go against your design intent?

we’ve found there’s a disconnect between how we phrase the requirements of some penances and the criteria to achieve them

No…your penances actively require players to play like idiots and do things that actively harm the team and makes it awful for team-mates. This isn’t your phrasing. This isn’t you accepting criticism properly.

There has also been no addressing on how pretty much everyone hates the RNG nature of the shop or missions. There are posts every day about how people don’t like how you can’t pick the difficulty or mission. Why is that not addressed here? Why isn’t so many other huge pieces of valid criticism not mentioned here?

I’m honestly tired of this company and it’s terrible communication and seemingly allergic reaction to good game design. Darktide is worse than VT2 in pretty much every way it’s wild. This is their THIRD tide game, WHY does it feel like we have to fight EVERY SINGLE TIME to get the game to a place where it’s fun? This update was terrible, you shifted the blame away from yourself in so many ways, don’t address major issues people are having, and confirmed that you’re standing behind terrible mechanics that are designed to simply waste people’s time. I’m done honestly. I’ll be back in a year and see if you’ve listened and fixed the game, and next game you make I will not purchase on release and wait another year then as well. You guys have lost all the good will I had.


Oh and how come aquillas are account wide but making crafting mats be the same is complex somehow?
At least feed us believable bull.


Plus, like also stated, because of the “progression” one can not misuse the system anyway.
Shared resources and curios (like Aquilas!) please!



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They should literally just make “Gifts of the Emperor” supply crates… that rank up based on mission performance and difficulty… and offer 3 random items (and guaranteed to get after every run)… you know, like some other game I “vaguely” recall being very well recieved and satisfying [over checking a shop every hour] lol

I get the shop eliminates the ‘total’ RNG for specific weapon types to SOME degree (more chance to see something you want and buy only that? instead of selling/dismantling junk all the time) but… it’s just… ugh, you know this already lol. Just doesn’t feel right or good… so much better to feel like your drops were earned in some way, not cash earned to sit and wait for the right item to buy by pure luck and no influence on the difficulties you play on, or skill level you have to give higher chances for better items — more ducats is worthless if they can’t directly translate to performance increases, and you get unlucky and literally have nothing to spend them on for days/weeks come “end-game” post-lvl30.

PS: please give the XP bar a loop around that give as free Gift of the Emperor for every level past lvl30!!! … +%XP items are completely WORTHLESS when you reach max level right now, awful design decision. Again, Vermintide 2 had this already in the form of commodation chests at least … so painful to watch a static XP bar after finishing every mission like … “what progress did I really make on my character other than cash? why play them when I can get progress on a different one… oh wait the cash doesnt share so I’m not motivated to start from Zero either”

anyways… end-of-rant


I wholheartedly agree but you are forgetting one thing… It is “immeasurably complex” to do anything in this game so it must also be “immeasurably complex” for us, the players to do anything in this game

Source: CM Hedge


Whoever decided the bold part REALLY wants this game to get a lower user rating on the steam store. Just digging the hole deeper at this point.


Wow, this keeps getting worse.

Everything, other than the new gameplay itself is worse than the previous title which has tremendous community support and feedback, nice QoL updates etc. Vermintide 2 was/is my favorite game ever, obviously my expectations were high for Darktide.

It’s hard to believe this is where we are, nothing learned from Vermintide incorporated.

The item progression is straight up mobile rip-off game tier.

No shared resources or currency?

Why are there 5 character slots and only 4 character types? Someone out there need 2 of the same characters to chase the store for?

This proposal on the next phase of crafting, changing 1 perk? WTF?


Thanks for the clear and open communication and adressing the main critisisms on the game. It’s nice to know stuff is actively being taken into consideration and worked on. I think the playerbase appreciates how much effort is being spent on the development, and how well it is being communicated.

But this though:

Seriously? Why?! Why is this nescessary? All this does is potentially screw up a well rolled weapon when it’s upgraded and you get two random subotimal boons, without anything a player can do about it. All this arbitrary büllshit restriction does is make it so that even if you are lucky enough to actually get a good item in the bloody time-gated RNG shïtstore, you are still at risk to have it get fücked by even more RNG…

I mean, I understand that it’s a fresh release, and that the crafting system has apparently been scrapped and overhauled on the last minute because the previous version supposedly was bad. But to be honest, I really can hardly imagine how the previous itemisation system could be worse than thd absolute RNG-shïtshow the current itemisation system is.

You might be lucky enough to get good stuff, or you might not be. And there is nothing you can do about it. Grind all you want; the only thing you are dependant on is RNG. In Vermintide 2 at least there was a mathematical certainty that you could get enough reds / red dust and rerolls to get a goid weapon. As it is now in Darktide, you could literally play for years and only get shït.

I’m patient, and I can endure a lot if bugs and even waiting on releasing core features, if it turns out that those need time. If it takes months, then it takes months. If that actually means that the game will eventually be good, though. And if a crafting system like this is the direction you are taking the itemisation system in after all the feedback you’ve gotten on it so far, I’m honestly very near to just dropping a negative review and being done with this game.


Oh god I forgot about the reroll cost, please fatshark dont put that in thanks