Community Comm-Link 13th April

Yes, i’ll be sure to remind the combat team though I imagine it’s already on the to-do list!


The dog mod makes people play that way because having 500 dogs on screen with the same hit stun effects as regular dogs is actually going to get the team killed beyond Malice Just get rid of the hit stun from the small pup altogether and people would actually play Darktide and that mod at the same time and it could even be fun trying to dodge both at the same time. Instead you’re in hit stun for so long another dog hits you or you die to the enemies attacking you mid animation. All of these are unfun gameplay.

And Rashad Axe is nice but Cadia Chainsword and literally every Ogryn melee has the same issue.

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I waited and watched while instead of addressing the actual issues in your unfinished game regarding RNG and blessing locks, you scrapped the time and effort of people who actually engaged in the game’s crappy systems endlessly to make decently-rolled weapons with your ridiculous nerfs. We get it. You only want people to play Veteran and will make everyone else use the exact same loadout until they do. This is why after 800+ hours in fatshark games, I give up. You win. I quit. No more hours wasted on your extended 2-year betas. No more hoping for decent cosmetic items in the shop. No more wondering if I’ll have to scrap my entire build because you felt the need to nerf my hard work’s results just so you can pretend your patches actually have any content in them. No more thinking the next patch will be the one that gets me to change my negative Steam review. NO MORE.


Currently I cannot give any updates in this area - I will be sure to update you if I have any news or information on this in the future. I am aware of the complaints the community has around this and have been feeding back the comments to the devs, and will continue to do so going forward!


thanks for the communication :slight_smile:
the update is great and appreciated :slight_smile:


Can’t wait for the patch!

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The team and whatever managers responsible for the design decisions really need to be made aware of just what a substantial negative influence these systems have on the game, it should be up front and center on the board of problems that need resolving, or this game is going to die, and I know absolutely no one involved, player or dev side, wants that to happen…


It’s been 4-5 months now of constant grievance about the locks.
I don’t think they will change anything about that in the near future.
Each day I lose more and more interest in the game, as the locks and crafting system in general keep me away from trying out different builds and weapons or switch classes due to the siloing of ressources. And I am sure that I am not alone with this.

All of the updates, patches and comm links by now are fine but they never really adressed the core issues of the game… Which sucks, as I really want to love the game.


It’s discussed internally by the team. That was the last status Catfish gave about that. So the news arrived the dev team some time ago and now they argue back and forth about it.

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I know, I am a very active reader in this forum.

But they are taking their sweet time for it being such a painpoint.
Time they don’t really have.


I just have to ask: what class do you play? I’ve been enjoying Zealot and Psyker far more than Vet post nerf in T5 High Intensity. Zealot I actually find more fun with the new shotguns. Psyker quelling and brain bursting finally feels great, and surge buffs have made it noticeably stronger.

What nerf made you think Vet was the only playable class?


I know you can only only control what you’re repsonsible for, but please do keep pushing the devs and management on (#1) Removing Blessing & Perk Locks and (#2) Removing resource silo’ing between characters.

Both of these, especially in combination, are really a determent to keeping players engaged. The locks and silo’d resources creates a disincentive to switch characters (which would otherwise keep the gameplay “fresh”) and experiment with builds. This directly undermines the replayability of the game and makes the whole experience more boring and repetitive than it should be.

I know you’ve heard us on this, but please keep hammering the devs and management on this topic.

We don’t care if you need to grind for piles of resources to unlock an item or whatever, but we need something to mitigate the horrendous levels of RNG, prevent the “bricking” of weapons during the crafting process, and have a way to share resources so you aren’t limited to what characters you can play without halting progression.

Thank you ~


It says hit zone multiplier. So i imagine thats the case. Tho given its likely near infinite cleave you may do a lot more than expected overall.

On Heresy Threat or higher, hit 4 Elite or Specialist enemies with Big Boxes of Hurt, without missing an Elite or Specialist enemy with a Big Box of Hurt, 5 times.

Sorry, I don’t see what this means
Use the Ogling 10-2 skill to throw a grenade that hits and kills an elite or expert enemy for four consecutive unanswered hits? (Obtain after 5 successful attempts)
Use the Ogrim 10-2 skill, throw a grenade, and hit and kill 4 elite or expert enemies in a single hit?(Obtain after 5 successful attempts)

Plasma can cleave 2 enemies with a normal shot and 5 with a charge shot as far as I’m aware (I tested this). Am I missing something?

Incidentally, today might be the day that the PEAK player count drops below 5,000 again. Yesterday it peaked at 5,005 players. This would put the player counts back close to their historic low point, which occurred Mid-February before the Blessings of the Omnissiah patch (crafting).


They realy should just remove locks, fix critical bugs/crashes and announce release 2.0 after. Like CDPR did with CP2077 - fix broken stuff, new marketing campaign (Edgrunners) - done.


I get the trouble with the lock but hear me out!
The idea of the lock is obviously to restrict us from creating the god tier weapon we all yearn for the moment we got the mats. How about the lock stays BUT we get the ability to upgrade the locked blessing and perk in their tier? That way a weapon with the right combination can still be pushed to the limit but we cant just go around and mix and match what ever we feel like.
What do you think?


Venting toughness is a HUGE mistake for plasmagun, pls rethink this. Im someone that actually uses it and that will eliminate its ability to hit trade with shooters since sharpshooter has big dmg reduction vs them.

Pls reconsider before thats live or atleast test that with the ppl that actually use that gun

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Yeah, that’s a selfish Penance. Not hard, just Martyrdom is increased risk with little reward.

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