Commissary - Missing/Not added - Cosmetics for Ogryn?!?

This is NOT about a bug.

Using the Character Cosmetics View Improved Mod,
you can also see the Missing/Not added Cosmetics from the Commissary(!).

I noticed 6 cosmetics, which are in the game files for the Ogryn.
Two of which I was wondering about since launch.

1. Grenadier Gauntlet (Fire Wastes Camo):

2. Grenadier Gauntlet (Crucis Nightshade Camo):

I always wondered, where those TWO(!) skin were,
since all other weapons had both the
Fire Wastes & Crucis Nightshade Camo.

I have no idea, when those skins where added, since I only use this Mod for just a short time.

The four others are:

3. Agripinaa Aquila Pattern Flak Helmet - Grundrak Camo (Brute-Sized):

4. Agripinaa Aquila Pattern Flak Helmet - Hellus Camo (Brute-Sized):

5. Darkune Chem-Hood with Upgraded Flit-II Rebreather (XXXXL) Grundrak Camo:

6. Darkune Chem-Hood with Upgraded Flit-II Rebreather (XXXXL) Hellus Camo):

The overall question is:

Why have those cool Cosmetics been added to the “free” Commissary and not been unlocked?



Maybe FS needs to give us some more proper “Community Support”:

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The same reasoning why we didn’t get the ogyrn and veteran splash screen cosmetics until a year and a half after launch


there’s also a generic template of shock maul skins we don’t get for whatever reason. it has both the red/blue commissary skins and the 4 premium colors, but we can’t use them because lol.

brute brainer 3 shovel also has this quirk, except you can use the ones that aren’t premium. still not in the commissary after 2 years…


Oh, good point. Didn’t notice that one.

Maybe the whole thing is something for The Book of Grudges?

I don’t think fatshark even know the commissary exists


Yeah, that’s honestly how Fatshark feels about its player base. The sheer amount of things they COULD do (easily I might add) they simply don’t. It’s quite sickening, but now SM2 will kick their ass.

It’s already happened the sales and players numbers from the gold edition early release

Its out done black myth

It’s called having gas in the tank, or skins in the files for this case.

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IT’S sitting there, TAUNTING ME!!!

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Dr 0 is the reason why we can’t have nice unreleased cosmetics

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