Combine tox flamer and bomber resistance into fire resistance

Now fire is actually extremely dangerous I would definitely see my self gearing my self for fire resistance.

Would be great to combine toxflamers flamers and bombers into fire resistance.


Agreed, I never liked that they were split up before. (and never took them anyway because they didn’t do damage really before and no amount of resist would stop the 100% toughness loss)


Supposedly the current unhinged overtuning of fire damage is a bug and will be fixed eventually. Why hasn’t it been hotfixed already? Who knows.

Totally agree that flamer and bomber resistance should be combined into fire. Likewise, I think weapon damage bonus perks should be reworked and consolidated.

Maybe even add barrel fire to that. Me and a few others have been pointing this out since the beta. Hopefully after the new fire changes this finally catches the Devs’ eyes.

I really like this idea

This should be done for all damage.

The whole game is so frigging absurd in its nomenclature, it’s the textbook definition of complexity in place of depth.

We shoild have melee/ranged/elemental/warp resistance, no matter who or what applies that damage type.

Why would my sniper bullet resistance not give me normal bullet resistance?
Why would my bomber’s fire resistance not give me flamer’s fire resistance?

This game is so riddled with useless complexity to mask its lack of depth.
It’s the same thing that brought down Back 4 Blood: as a L4D clone it tried to differenciate itself by overloading the player with choices that in the end just made playing the game worse.

L4D worked because it was extremely simple and consistent. It surely had its problems but it was not trying to cover them with useless mechanics.

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i like the idea combine (bomber/flamer/tox) into 1 resist mod (flame) i usually dont use none of them but if they combine it will be more usable.

Will not personally use that stat but this is a great idea and it makes a lot of sense. Fire resistance should be fire resistance.

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Honestly, anything to get rid of the chaff in weapon crafting is just beneficial to players as a whole.

Resistance consolidation, damage consolidation, ditch Grimoire corruption resistance altogether…

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Because that would make half of the enemy roster total pushovers.
If we go with your suggestion of having all ranged damage under the umbrella term “ranged”, you could almost ignore all the enemies meant to make positioning meaningful.
Not a good idea really. For Flamer and Bomber it’s another matter, because even taken together you’re only reducing the effectiveness of two niche enemies.

Left 4 Dead, despite some of the callbacks such as the Daemonhost, is conceptually a very different game. It’s more survival focussed. Darktide is more action oriented.

No, it would make damage type have meaning instead of being “damage from source”.

L4D is exactly the same game. It’s the added complexity of curios that makes it so they can’t tweak the damage numbers to make them balanced on their side but have to instead take into consideration the possibility of stacking reduction up to 60%.

I strongly disagree with that.

Bullet resistance and las weapon resistance is just out right OP.
It’s why I run 3 curios with 20% gunner resistance for every game and 12% stamina regeneration.

You reduce damage till it feels like a completely different difficulty level if you just stacked 3 with 20% bullet las and melee.

The whole game would start been balanced around stacking massive damage resistance because enemies do to much.

The only reason why I like gunner res is that gunners are oppressive to your movement and the games way more fun when you stack it compared to when you don’t.

That’s why I said curios are a bad idea.
The moment players get to have damage reduction the devs then have to amplify damage sources to counter said reduction.

Take it all away and then balance the game.

If not, just reduce the max amount of reduction possible, or don’t make them stack, or whatever.
The nomenclature in this game is godawful.
Having the same objects deal different amounts of damage depending on who initiated the action is absolutely unintuitive.

Naw it just needs to be more like VT2 where you do not have 3 identical accessories, you have 3 slots that do not all have the same pool of modifiers. It is impossible to accurately balance a game when one player could be running 3 wounds, one could be running three HP, and another could be running three toughness. Just give us slightly higher baseline toughness and HP, make the blessings more like VT2 where you have a thing that provides a major change then a few stat changes. The major changes don’t have overlap.

Everyone keeps coming back to it but VT2 just did player kit better and it is unclear why our curios are so damned bland. There are even different designs of curios BUT THEY DON’T DO ANYTHING DIFFERENT. It doesn’t matter what curio you have they all do literally the same things.

Yes, sure, just not the curios as they are right now.

Even when I started playing and saw them I thought they would have had some peculiarity once at level 30 but they are just stat-sticks for resistances.

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Yup. I mean in VT2 we have a curio that interacts with healing, one that interacts with potions, and one that interacts with grenades, then some have offensive and some have defensive perks (called properties).

Obviously they gutted the whole healing, potion, grenade thing (though are now sort-of bringing it back with the totally not just VT2 potions in the form of stims).

VT2 had a Necklace that could have 2 properties (perks) from a list that was all the defensive buffs, stamina, health and push/block with a trait that interacted with how your character heals or reduces incoming damage further. A Charm that could have two properties from a list containing offensive options like specific enemy type damage increases, attack speed or crit damage with a trait that changed out potions worked including increasing duration or activating all potions but for a shorter duration or spreading the effect to allies. A trinket that could have two properties from a sort of hybrid list that could increase your damage or survivability or improve movement or revive speed, basically anything the other two didn’t give and its trait effected how your grenades works.

Some of that is obviously covered by the new talent tree and toughness in general but with stims now being a thing there is nothing that interacts with them. I think it is time to change curios to make them more than simple stat sticks, even if it isn’t just going back to what VT2 did. I would rather have something with meaningful impact than “you get 21% more HP”

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