Combat blade currently have no way to stagger trappers

The title says it all. There is not a single attack on the weapon that allows to stagger a trapper in front of you and prevent her to use her net before she fires. Light attacks don’t and it’s kinda obvious and normal. Heavies? no. Push attack? no. Special attack? ahem, let’s not talk about this…! I find bringing a knife in high level a problem because you have no way to deal with the easiest of the 3 disablers. As a zealot you should be in front of your team engaging enemies in melee. The knife doesn’t allow to do this job correctly.

Typical situation: You are surrounded by a handful of enemies or in a tight corridor, a trapper shows up. Can’t dodge right can’t dodge left: you are netted. You have no way of staggering it with your melee weapon. I’m beginning to think the knife is more of a defensive weapon for the veteran or psyker with its great mobility. I’m going to stop playing knife on zealot because I occasionally will get netted with it, thus making me a liability to my team. Its a shame because it’s overall a fun weapon to play with. It has it’s weaknesses like damage on carapace, horde clear etc. But being unable to stagger a human sized enemy while doing a huge stab in the head is counterintuitive, and it seems like there is no way around it apart from bringing a quick draw weapon like a shotgun in case a trapper shows in front of you while you are unable to dodge it.

I propose either to make the stagger on heavies and push attack sufficient to stagger a shooting trapper, or to make the special attack “punch” able to do so.

  • Heavy and push attack stagger trappers
  • “punch” special attack stagger trappers
  • Leave the knife unable to stagger trappers

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Do you have any investment vs, or are you expecting to meet all breakpoints without?

I don’t understand the question :open_mouth:

+dmg perks will not increase stagger, if that’s what you’re implying?

Don’t they? It’s what I’m implying. Haven’t tried it, assumed it worked like VT!

in VT the perks gave +10% power, which increases damage and stagger. In DT the perks give 25% damage. You could however target 1 enemy type with 2 perks: 10% power vs faction (chaos or skaven) and then 10% power vs the type (infantry, armored etc)

Also, in VT the crit bonus perk went up to 20% (with the same calculations as in DT). I’ve always found it odd that the crit bonus in DT is so much weaker than the general 25% damage perks

Lol, build crafting in this game is so damn shallow.

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Well, correct me if i’m wrong, but apart from veteran, it’s 5% base crit for everyone. So adding +5% crit on most weapons (if they have 0 crit modifier) actually double their critical hit chances. On an automatic or flame weapon it’s huge!

Vs trappers my strategy with dagger is either: Dodge net by sliding forward on angle then heavy into lights to kill them. Or if they haven’t started their cast animation yet you can ult to charge them and apply stun then kill them. Alternatively you can just shoot them.

It’s rare to get stuck in that tight a space with a trapper in my experience. I don’t often find there’s no room to dodge at all, but yes I guess it sometimes happens.

But anyway, I share your frustration that once they set up to fire you can ult up to them and heavy dagger strike their face, but they’ll still fire their trap net at you. And in fact, you getting closer makes dodging increasingly difficult, and at melee range impossible.