Fatshark has said that they would like to have more weapons be shared by different classes and honestly I feel kind of alone in that I don’t think they should. I’m all for classes sharing some weapons especially when it comes to the zealot and the vet but I like that only some classes have access to some weapons and ideally (for me) there would be a few shared weapons and much more personalized weapons. To me personally, it helps not only the weapons themselves but also the classes feel more unique. Also I don’t want the excuse of “oh sure we haven’t dropped any new weapons/lacking in content for a while but we’ll just drop 2 new weapon variants that are available to all the classes” more than it already happens (of course any content is usually better than no content I just have high expectations for the game I love). I understand that this way of thinking does have some drawbacks for example, to those who like buying skins you can get a little more out of your money. Also having all the classes share the vast majority of weapons opens up build crafting a little more and such but again for me personally, I’m not sure its worth it at the risk of every weapon and class in the game feeling “samey”.
Also fatshark if you’re seeing this I’d LOVE some more psyker staffs, perhaps an ice one that can slow down enemies with a dot effect and quickly shoot sharp shards of ice? Just wanted to throw that in here lol
Melee Zealot, Psyker, and Vetetan all play differently already so I don’t think sharing Heavy Sword/Dueling Sword between the 3 would be the end of the world (balance wise it will but not variety wise imo). I actually think it helps variety.
Out of all the weapons that look to be potentially shared, they all have 3 variants which looks to be FS’s maximum.
I don’t think making most of the human weapons sharable is bad for variety. Having more options isn’t a bad thing. The biggrst issue I see out of this is balancing for it.
I would not want to see more Psyker staves until they overhaul how staff gameplay works
How so ? The fact that the blessing aren’t shared ? The special or the 1st attack being the same on 3 of them
This doesn’t bother me, especially with crafting update on the horizon. More unique blessings for them would be much appreciated however.
This would be nice to change.
However my main gripes are how staves at the moment are just infinite ammo guns. There’s nothing unique about them, and their playstyle is incresibly braindead. Their needs to be something to make it more stimulating, even if it is just increased peril buildup across all the staves.
Part of this is definitely Psyker’s skill tree being underbaked and incredibly boring. Fixing and adding to their tree might also make staff gameplay more fun depending on what they do or add.
I don’t really have any amazing ideas on how they could make staves more fun, but I don’t want them to exist in their current lobotimized state.
Ive made the mistake of upgrading a weapon for veteran only to find out I was playing on my zealot like a dummy. Yea, quite annoying.
I tend to agree with you, OP.
To be clear:
I think that instances of weapons that are available across all classes should be shared. That is, if I get a good autogun, that specific autogun should be available to all of my characters. (I don’t think this is what you’re talking about, but just fo clarity’s sake…)
I think that class-specific weapons add flavour to classes and there should be more of them, even at the expense of more class-crossing weapons.
If you’re comparing it to the Vt2 part (which had the whole tree interaction with the Fire dot) I think they avoided that here due to it being a frequent balance issue.
I think shared weapons are a double edged sword.
On one hand it’s a relatively “free” increase to build diversity.
On the other hand they can present balance problems, where a weapon can be too good with one class’ kit, while being mediocre on another’s. Or similarly a weapon can be competent on one class, while being too mediocre to bother with (or directly outcompeted by a class weapon) on another’s.
It’s a good thing when applied judiciously, to summarise.
That said besides weapons that are clearly designed to be class specific (eg power sword, force sword, hellbore, thunder hammer, evicerator etc), can’t think of any weapons that would be a detriment to be shared off the top of my head.
I agree, for example, shovels should stay on vet just because they’re so thematic to vet. Also, i am guessing that the main reason why we have class specific weapons is because all classes have different base stats, like stamina. So class specific weapons allows them to create weapons specifically made with that class’s stats in mind. But, having more weapons available for all classes isnt necessarily a bad thing, it should just be the weapons that make the most sense.
Thats a pretty good summation of my thoughts, its really tricky to balance but for my own personal tastes and thoughts of the game long term it might be better to err more to the ratio of the same if not fewer shared weapons and more class specific ones.
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