Class > Mission Type Completion Penance...list missions not done?

We need a list of maps on this penance challenge. Just having a x/7 missions completed tells us nothing, having a simple list of what mission types have and have not been completed as a sub-category drop-down menu on the challenge would fix this.


I agree, we should have at least a list of mission types we have already done. Example:
As a (Class name), complete a Mission of each type on (Difficulty) Threat or higher.
-Raid :white_check_mark:
-Assassination :white_check_mark:
-Espionage :white_check_mark:

And so on.
Please add it so ppl could know at least what missions they have completed.

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Not that i’ve been looking, but I haven’t seen this commented about by others. It’s so frustrating not knowing wtf maps you’ve done, lol.

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Ture, it would be a such a quality of life change.

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Till they update the info on such penances, heed my words, write down the mission types you’ve already completed. I did so for Damnation and it saved me from a lot of headaches.

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And just to twist the knife more, Vermintide 2 did it.

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I made a spreadsheet, feel free to use it!

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