Chaos Wastes, anobody home?

Third day in a row, I’ve opened up the game to quick play Legend chaos wastes and ended up hosting an empty lobby. I’m not patient enough to wait for more than a few minutes before moving on to another game. I’ve played quite a bit of campaign mode and experimented with hundreds of builds, deeds and twitch mode, using almost every combinations of talents and weapons, and items that are remotely viable to the point I’ve exhausted what that mode has to offer for the time being. Still, even then, not many players around in the US.

Here’s my profile if anyone else wants to add me on steam, and we can hop in a discord chat if you’re chill.

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Just sent ya a friend request, I’m Flinlock on Steam. Let’s play sometime!

What part of the country are you in? I usually don’t have trouble filling up a lobby, though I have one person with me already and we just start and let people fill in as the night goes on. Right now we’re trying to beat the new weekly expedition which is pretty damn hard.

Play most evenings starting around 7-8pm Mountain Time.

As I mentioned, in the US, not many players left here I suppose. A lot of games I play have more activity on European servers