Changes I'd like to see

A lot of these have been talked about before (and more extensively), but I guess I’m bored enough to reply. So TL;DR: I agree about most things that need changing, but several are more complicated than this.

I’m not sure what increasing the Repeater pistol’s ammo would accomplish. I don’t think it’s in a pretty good place, mostly. If anything, I think it could use a little “side-grade”: Decrease its crit multiplier a bit, but increase the base damage by equivalent amount. This would be to make it less dependent on crits and as such, help its place on Careers other than Bounty Hunter. The shotguns are quite fine as they are, I think.

Both Volley Crossbows indeed do need a bit more attention. I’m not sure if adding more ammo is the answer, but they are lacking behind other options in either effectiveness or efficiency (or both) in both cases.

BoP’s boss damage was overdone in my thinking too, but I think its mobility is fine. That gives it a unique use, after all, and you still have limited offense and no other defense when they’re out.

Dodge tracking could use tweaks, but it might also need other mechanisms to support it. That’s one thing there’s more discussion about in its own thread.

Zealot has a lot to look at, not just his stack effectiveness. On on hand, I don’t like how it currently works as he can pretty easily keep himself effectively in high health to reduce the downsides of his style to effectively zero… but if his stacks were dependent on his total health (as they used to be), the ability ends up being quite unreliable. There’s also the DR Talent, which is problematically effective.

Falch and Axe need a lot more than just attack speed reduction. They have, in addition to high damage, attack speed and armor piercing, a good enough stamina and the best dodges of Victor’s melee weapons. Separating the weapons’ heavy attack damage profiles, reducing its mobility to at least the same level as either weapon alone (probably lower, in all honesty), and possibly shifting its push-attack follow-up from a Falch strike to an Axe one would go a long way. After those, it would be time to look at other tweaks.

For Crowbill, a slight attack speed decrease wouldn’t necessarily be bad, but I’m not sure if it’s actually needed.

Shields already block more effectively, and DR would be overly effective (or useless, if limited to when the shield is up). They do need something, and preferably defensive advantages. I think allowing blocking a few more special kinds of attacks would be a help, but this is something that also has been discussed quite extensively before.

Warpick is in a pretty good place right now, and I don’t think it needs changes.

I was suspicious of the Spear’s effectiveness immediately after the changes to its current form, but after a while, I think that while it is still very effective at fishing out those headshots and staggering enemies while doing it, it single-target nature is kind of a self-limiting factor. I’m no sure whether things need changing, but if change is needed this exactly where it should hit.

Both Resourceful Traits need far more changes before they’re ever in balance. Its effect cooldown being reduced will help a bit, but will in no way affect their fundamentally imbalanced nature. See here for more of my thoughts on that.

Heroic intervention relies on a non-existent mechanic to work, and unless that mechanic is reinstated, its is and will be worthless. I think it’d be better to scratch that particular Trait, but see the previous link again for more thoughts.

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