Change body type/ Gender/ background

Can we please have the ability to customise our characters height and gender etc?
I’d like to be able to change my character to fit other parts of the 40K universe besides what I initially set up. I suppose the other option is I can sacrifice one of the 4 classes to make another Veteran, Psyker and so on but then I lose a class. I have seen a mod to add more character slots but I have not installed this as I am unsure if this is a breach of the mod policy. If someone from Fatshark can confirm if this can be looked in to or if the mod is not in breach of policy so this may be an option.


Seconding this. I get locking certain customization options if FS had done literally anything of consequence with the “you’re all prisoners” story angle or the background choices we make on character creation but at this point with everybody running around in DKoK cosplay I feel like any narrative justification for limiting our options is out the window. This might as well be 40k Fortnite at this point, “who our characters are” doesn’t matter.

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Regardless of what people wear and the story narrative, which lets be honest after level 30 feels like it does not exist. If you are like me, you did not care so much for the story but just wanted a hack and slash 40k game. In the end game, players just try to min max and get the best builds and run the harder content, no reason to keep the character customisation locked.

Any customisation (appearance, background etc) just feels bland. Like I love the game and I love the gameplay, There are games that are 10+ years old that had the features I’m asking for.

40K is such a vast universe where location, background and so on have a lot to do with how you look. I am just disappointed that after the initial 2-5 minute set up you are kinda screwed, you can not go back and alter anything because after level 30 none of it matters, it feels like at level 1 it does not matter.

I agree, I would also like to have this option.

I would be more attached to the idea of customization being locked if literally any of it was accessible after character creation or mattered in any way. Like, if there’d been a pile of exclusive voice lines for each personality depending on selected background? I’d find the customization more meaningful.
As it is you pick the options and only the choice of voice actually matters.
Let us change it freely, unless the intent is to introduce the actual background mechanics at a later date (which, judging from the class rework, might be the case).

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Considering how FS are trying to avoid having to strain themselves with unnecessary effort adding more sizes for every outfit/skin in the game is gonna be something they would prefer to avoid.

I have been saying this pretty much since beta. Also changing the names of your character.

With how awful the grind is you really can’t expect people to delete their character and start over to change these things.


When I say body type, I mean the way you can choose male/ female, since it is called body type in the character creation. I do not mean things like weight etc. Just bring the full customisation that you do when making a new character to the barbers or something, they are already half way there. This way all cosmetics in game will already be viable and there would be no upscaling/downscaling

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Yea, mb, missread your OP.

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That would awesome.

I picked a Cutthroat veteran as I’ve somehow thought that cutthroat would have a bit of criminal energy.

Well, that was loose cannon. Now I am stuck with the angry salt deposit.

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they are aware and it’s on the list to work on - however they’ve also said it’s lower priority compared to a lot of things so it keeps getting bumped

but, I agree. It’d be nice. Judge is my favourite zealot voice, however apparently it’s everyone else’s too so I’d like more variety.

Female vet has horrid rigging for torso cosmetics, I’d like to switch to a male vet.

etc etc

Thanks for the information, I was not aware it is on their to do list. It does not seem like a huge task but I am not a game dev, so what do i know haha. Obviously, there is bigger fish to fry in regards to the TLC the game needs

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