Change blocking and dodging to clientside, ffs

This is one of those things that should be a no-brainer and frankly makes me wonder what the hell were Fartshark’s programmers were smoking for not making it clientside in the first place.

For an elaborate explaination for why server-side blocking and dodging is horrid, see this post by Reddit user ManShanko: Reddit - Dive into anything

TL;DR : The true delay for detecting when the client is blocking is roughly the double of the displayed ping value. 200ms at 100 ping and so on.

For reference, human reaction time is also somewhere between 150-300ms. Having 100 ping is the bare minimum for clients unless they are physically right next to the host. The atrocious netcode therefore effectively doubles the player’s reaction time, at the very least. This gets people hit through their blocks, hit by attacks that they have clearly dodged, hit by enemies that are already dead, caught by packmasters that they have dodged, and the list goes on. The game becomes borderline unplayable with ping over 150, which isn’t exactly rare, especially in QP where the matchmaker seems to consider staying in your region a mere suggestion.

As an addendum, the forum did not allow posting this thread at first, because the title contained '“f c k s”. Maybe try focusing more on not writing garbage code for the game and less on censoring bad words, then people won’t be inclined to use bad words, to begin with. Just a thought.