Cast your vote!

As the plot of Darktide unravels, it would be nice to keep the grim-dark spirit alive by surprising us with something unexpected. A good story always makes you feel something. A tugging at your heart strings whenever a beloved character falls in the line of battle.
Which character(s) would you like to see sacrificed for the betterment of the story?

  • Masozi
  • Zola
  • Melk
  • Hallowette
0 voters

Were I charge of the Mourning Star, my very first order would involve the public and extremely grimdark execution of Masozi. No one in the Imperium has the right to be that annoying and live.



And I feel this is a pointed question.

Why not have all the named characters in it


Eh, I’d rather everyone stay alive. Killing off a character for no reason other than to make the viewer feel sad about them is grimderp to the extreme.


The problem with killing a character is that for it to matter in the story or have any impact, it has to be someone you care about. The only 2 characters I actually like in the game are Morrow and Hadron. (I kind of like Sefoni and Krall but they need more stuff before they’re full characters). However you have the Destiny 2 problem. You can kill off the only character that people like, but than you’re stuck with the rest of the cast no one likes.

If you’re a good enough writer you can pull it off, and have the remaining cast be effected enough to change and maybe have people start liking them again. But I don’t believe Darktide can pull that off.

However I do think a character needs to die to make Wolfer appear as a threat. I suggested this awhile ago, but for example let’s say a tip comes in that the traitors are trying to overload the orbital shield generator to destroy a large part of the city. Hadron gets sent in with a large Auric operative team to stop it. It was a trap the whole time and the team is slaughtered. Wolfer begins parading around Hadron, and the rest of the strike team’s, heads and corpses. Talking about how we’re failures etc.

It’s certainly not perfect and some people hate Hadron because of her association of crafting, but it’s something to make me actual care about hunting and killing Wolfer.


I think it’s more the OP delivering their grievances


Why aren’t Brahms, Rannick, Hadron, Morrow, or Sefoni options?

I voted Hallowette from the choices offered just for giggles, mainly because I find her dialogue in her actual role more grating than her mission dialogue, but I don’t think there’s really any storytelling value there.

EDIT: I think however, more than anything, I’d probably kill Hadron. The number of times she’s bricked a weapon deserves it.


I think it’s quite clear no one is going to die as that would effectively terminate the investment made into voice lines etc. Still, one can dream about Masozi’s execution…


There are clues in place which point to Zola. It’s also fitting, as it’s the character the players are most involved with.

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Oh yeah I forgot about his ass


We can have a mission ending where she valiantly flies in on her Valkyrie only to be shot down in a hail of Fire from numerous Flak Cannons. We can then sadly watch a cutscene as she is pulled out from the wreckage, mangled and lacerated. She gurgles her last bloody words to our heroes “Carry on without me.”… :sob:

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Oh, Masozi, you have no idea just how well Grendyl’s warband would carry on without you.


What story?


Or, hear me out, maybe, just maybe, it could actually be Grendyl lol

We never actually got a chance to show who he is other than the holograms, it’s entirely possible he’s the actual Traitor of them all but we are of course kept in the dark since we Rejects are sooo far below in the ranks.

And in a logistic perspective, he’s got almost no voice line whatsoever, so it wouldn’t be that much of a lose in the form of already invested voice recordings invalidated.

And, potentially, because of Grendyl’s position in the entire Atoma, if he turned out to be the traitor it could offer unique opportunities for a major turning point of the whole story, which can lead to many many unique opportunities for new interesting development of the story.

Assuming Fatshark is even interested at all in further developing the story in Darktide to begin with, that is lol

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What story and why can’t I vote for all of them?

If I had to choose just two I’d definitely go for Hallowette & Masozi. Annoying twats.


Thought of that, too. Haha


You cannot take Gary Oldman’s character from “The Fifth Element” away from me!



Seconded. Have rannick die, and have Zola step in and cause some strife with how she wants to run things. Marrow may disapprove.


Grendyl is extremely paranoid as only the crème de la crème of the Inquisitorial Warband know who Grendyl actually is, and Grendyl is known to refuse to eat any food that has left their sight.

Assassinating Grendyl would be a MONUMENTAL achievement for anyone, be they a Loyalist or a Traitor.