Can't Use Havoc Party Finder After Unlocking Havoc

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

So I open the Havoc terminal. It comes up with the full UI.

It says ‘the party needs at least 2 players’. Okay cool. I click party finder.

I open the ‘game mode’ selection because I don’t want to play ‘adventure’ and for some reason Havoc is greyed out for me and locked so I can’t click on it.

So I can’t even look for Havoc parties.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Login to the game
  2. Talk to Dukane before having cleared an Auric Maelstrom
  3. Play Auric Maelstrom to unlock Havoc
  4. Talk to Dukane immediately after
  5. No Havoc party finder available

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, but I haven’t tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):


I don’t think there is a QP, you have to be in a team in mounringstar and then the padlock removes. But you can’t just join somebody’s game. Possibly to ensure there’s less suck/leave factor for the diff since losses penalise you.

You have literally no idea what you are talking about or what this thread is about.

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I’m having the same problem, but the “havoc” button is greyed out only on 1 character. I’ve even managed to list a group using another char, relog on the bugged one and play the mission on him, the button is still greyed out.

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I have found out the problem, you’re supposed to untick all the difficulty modifiers


Yeah I have this too. I think I’m never going to be able to play havoc.

The new system sucks. It should display all games being hosted instead of ones that have been ‘created’.

I don’t have any friends who play Darktide so I’ll never get to play this brand new game mode that’s been designed to punish anyone who doesn’t have online gaming friends.

Thanks, so it’s NOT a bug, it’s just absolutely terrible UI design. Thank you.

Now I can browse the empty list of Havoc parties because no one has any listed in my region.


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Thank you I was having this problem today.

This worked for me. Hero!

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I can create a party for Havoc now, but still don’t see other party. Thank you anyway for the work around.

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Thanks a lot, thought I had to complete one with only friends for whatever reason. The 'help" button didn’t even mention it…