Havoc mode locked on one charcter after closing the game down (had queued with party before )

Issue Type (Required):

Mission Terminal

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after completing auric dam last night in a group with a friend we then went on to havoc mode ( i could look for a group then), after logging off and logging back in the havoc mode is now locked on that character and doing auric dam again to re unlock it doesnt do anything, i am able to queue for the mode with a differnet charcter but id like to queue on my main

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

dont know if it can be reporduced but i did auric dam with a friend and unlocked havoc mode, then i joined my friened in his havoc sqaud and played two matches, (havoc level didnt increase) after those two matches i closed the game and went to bed, upon opening the game again today the mode is locked and doing auric dam to unlock it doesnt do anything so i cant play the mode on that character

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No, I don’t use mods

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PC - Steam

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You probably have a preference or language selected. Remove all ticked options everywhere in the party finder and presto it should work, just hope you don’t have any actual preference for oh I dunno the language(s) you speak or anything.

Nope, mine’s still locked out. And I’ve done my maelstrom and never quit mid-mission.

I’ve had a similar issue where I happened to have a character that wasn’t locked, I chose to clear all filters in the Party Finder, pressed the E key, and when I switched back to the locked character, everything suddenly worked fine.

You might want to give it a try