Cannot change equipment or feats via the premade loadout menu in mission start screen

Issue Description:
Previous to the recent patch, it was possible to enter your inventory on the mission start screen (counting down before launching) and change your whole loadout by selecting one of the premade loadout options. Currently, this no longer works. It can be done in the hub prior to starting the mission but once in the waiting screen (where we can see what others are equipped with and might want to alter our loadouts) it no longer works. The button will select and even show the model being equipped with the proper weapons and cosmetics but, upon returning to the waiting screenm nothing changes and, indeed, upon loading into the mission, you still have the same loadout you started with.

Weapons, feats, and cosmetics may be changed manually one-by-one but there is seldom enough time to do that properly and it messes with the currently selected loadout.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Start a mission.
  2. Load into waiting/mission start/team assembly screen.
  3. Enter your inventory, [I] by default.
  4. Select a different loadout than the active one.
  5. Notice the changes apply to the inventory model.
  6. Return to waiting screen, [ESC] by default.
  7. Notice a lack of any change to the waiting screen model. (before there was always a half-second delay but now it just doesn’t change at all)
  8. Ready up to start mission.
  9. Once mission starts, notice you still have original loadout equipped.

PC, Steam

Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
30MAY2023 ~0400 CDT

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Editted to add: As of today, 31MAY2023 0100, I am not able to alter any weapons or feats even by selecting and manually equipping them while in the mission start screen. The loadout will be changed when I get back to the hub but not for the mission.


Can confirm. Happening to me as well.

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can confirm too, on patch 9 at least (on 10 i cannot play). the selected preset gets ignored 100% of the time.

to make sure changes happen i need to go multiple times to loadout and select it again, and again to make sure change gets reflected. due to limited time in mission screen this is very risky option.

the workaround of multiple selecting the same loadout helps in most cases, but it takes 15s to do.

In the case of this update you literally cannot change your equipment at all once you’re in the mission screen. Even if you can go in and edit your loadout or swap it, what you joined with is what you’re forced to take unless you leave.

I’m having this happen now too. Yesterday I was able to change things by manually equipping them but now I can’t even do that. It just reverts as soon as I go back to the ready screen.

Unable to confirm but may have experienced this issue while departing for a mission from the Mourningstar itself. I changed my loadout last second and confirmed the change as I normally do on a hotswap, but it didn’t apply once I was loaded into the mission.

Can confirm this happend a ton yesterday, really annoying bug

Edit the next day: It’s still happening at 100% consistancy to everyone I played with, it’s getting old now FS

Came here to report this bug as well, got it a few times today.
I noticed something else though.

Went into a mission with a headhunter, changed to shotgun during ready screen but got the headhunter in the mission. Once on mourningstar my loadout showed the shotgun and not the headhunter.

The interesting part was joining a new mission after that and I still got the headhunter when I joined that mission, even though I didn’t change anything from mourningstar to mission.
In order to get the weapon I wanted I had to change back and further on the Morningstar after the mission. Else I would keep spawning with a headhunter while loadout kept showing my shotgun was selected.

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It happens to me aswell. It was already annoying to not see what ranged weapon the others use now I can’t even change to counter some weaknesses of a party.

Normally I should not install mods to fix YOUR game Fatshark, only bad company like Bethesda do that. Characters have animation when holding ranged it’s clear at least someone in FS think about it. Just put it together.

I have this as well. On at least 2 of my 4 chars (can’t be bothered to check all).

I have the same issue, can’t swap to any of my premade templates in the team assembly screen. Thought it was a mod issue at first, good to know it’s a bug.

This is a pretty significant bug/issue since your team has no ability to adjust their loadouts. This is not only affecting the premade buttons, you actually can’t change ANYTHING in my experience. Cosmetics, weapons, curios, etc. can’t be changed in the lobby. :frowning:

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This is happening to me as well.

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