You guys expect too much.
I feel that we are gimping the characters potential if we keep looking at the archetypes like the range guy or the melee guy. Their uniqueness should not be defined by gun or sword.
Aye, their defined factor is very much: Imperial Guard and Ecclessiarchy/Zealots
Like for example, a Hunting Lance is a melee weapon, but would make no sense on the Zealot, while would be a pretty awesome unique melee weapon for the Veteran.
Same thing for additional archetypes, they shouldn’t be set in a devoted ranged/melee set, but just offer flexible tree that let people play how they would like within the thematic pick from the lore. Same thing for branch expansions.
I agree with both of you…
I just hope to be able to play with ranged weapons with an other class than the veteran. Playing such role with the zealot is not great, and with the veteran… well you would have to use the f$%^# keystones.
I would add that Ogryn is too slow for me…
Yes, I know… we have already a class that should do that, but this class has 3 keystones that I dislike totally with 2 of them that look totally stupid in my opinion… and even if you want to label them with an other word, then they are totally uninteresting for me.
something i’d like to see reworked is mission board, even though is fine
i’d like to select the mission i want, and the special condition i want
it shouldn’t be a problem about matchmaking, because quickplay and in top of that a possible new lobby browser system just like vermintide, without really the need to remove how actually the mission board works.
Well outside of the Train and the secrets of the mechanicus map i’ve played all of them to death.
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