Can we please have some shadow related settings in-game?

So I don’t end up doing something like this in my attempts to make the game run at a decent framerate

darkness is part of the game design. this game not having shadow options is equivalent to other games not having gamma/brightness options. their target is 60fps. if you want 120, or 240 well better get a 4090.

unfortunately, you currently have two options, either buy new equipment or wait for optimizations and in the meantime, for example, give up high resolution, if you have an AMD card, you have the option of digital signal change, AMD FidelityFX gives you such a possibility. at maximum resolution, you set Fidelity to balanced, the game does not lose its appearance, you do not need to have AA turned on and the game runs much better. My graphics card meets the minimum requirements, but I can still play on medium-low settings with high textures and on a very playable level

Well, if the goal is 60 fps, fatshark has failed. Steam says I need a 2060 as a recommended card. I have one. The games launcher detecting my system defaults me to medium options. That alone is pretty bad when it comes to optimization, but I could stomach it, if it would then put me at 60. It doesn’t. Even playing on all-low options I can’t get a consistent 60, not even a consistent 40. Nobody is claiming you need 120 or 240 fps.

I mean they clearly failed with a number of things. Unfortunately the game wasnt ready when they needed to release it. They have this last gen engine, that theyre using next gen tech in, and achieved a pretty good result on the high end. There are a lot of people that would like to max out their refresh rate. Unfortunately that is nor really something this engine supports.

Mostly your all time low fps will be caused by engine/cpu limitations. Its just impossible to cater to everyone. Since you already found out how to tweak your config Im not sure what youre complaining about. They cant really put options in the game that completely break the visuals. And just fyi there is more you could turn off/to minimum. You can find some bare bone configs with google.

there are shadow settings

Indeed there are shadow settings. They are all grouped up in “Light quality”.

I’m playing with a bit of a older card. I really want to hit stable 60 and in this engine, like with Vermintide 2, sun shadows is the heaviest setting to the GPU. The settings for shadows are present, just not available in the in-game menus, which as you can read above is what the thread is asking for.

Sorry, but that is completely missing the point. You should not have to tweak config files to run a game at 60 fps if you have a graphics card/rig hat fits the recommended specs. You are neither arguing the point OP makes (which is that the options should be in the game) nor are you actually making a compelling case for the strawman you pulled (accusing OP of trying to achieve a framerate of >60 fps.

It is perfectly reasonable to ask for a game to be run at 60 fps if your rig fits the recommended specifications. It is perfectly reasonable to ask for options that can be changed via config files to actually be in the game menu. This isn’t “catering to everyone”, this is absolute basic game design these days.


I addressed the point in my first reply. There are no distinct options to turn off shadows completely for reasons.

And yet again, you missed the point completely. Nobody is asking to turn shadows off completely, even though OP did it to prove a point (in this case I am assuming this, correct me if I’m wrong OP). The point is that the performance is so bad that you literally have to turn off the shadows to get a decent framerate, to which you replied with a strawman argument trying to ridicule his.

Looking at your post history, that isn’t surprising. I suggest that if you have nothing to add to a discussion, or rather a question to the developers (although admittedly, it’s in the wrong forum section for that), you refrain from posting. You only obstruct constructive discourse this way.


Ah checking post history, the reddit way. Lmfao

The opening screenshot was to make a point. I turned off sun shadows in the config file because in Vermintide 2 it was by far the heaviest setting on the GPU and DT uses the same engine.

My CPU is more than fine for the game, however, since I can’t afford a new GPU right now I’m stuck with an RX 580 (the 8 GB one). I’ve managed to get a semi decent framerate by gutting the shadow resolution and decreasing the distance at which they render. My current issue is the simulated heat blur. Whenever someone uses a flamethrower - it cuts my framerate in half.