Can we get a blog about the Excise Vault situation?

I am really curious from a technical standpoint what foul blight has afflicted this map so horribly as to require extensive quarantine. Not to mention I am always keen to see more into level engineering (As opposed to the Level Design blog we got awhile back).

I mean, it’s one thing to iterate a map where the solutions to problems are relatively easy to find and fix, but it’s clear someone had to don their hazmat suit and dive deep into the nurgle goo this time around and I want to know what was dredged up and the trials and tribulations it took to fix it.



It was (is?) one of my favourite maps.
What happened to make it disappear for 3 months? Did someone confirm a merge on the main github branch by mistake?

@FatsharkStrawHat purlease - when will it be back? :slight_smile:


you know man… sand… that stuff creeps in everything. messed electronics up i guess :man_shrugging:


Cut to fatshark dev pouring sand out of their computer

Guess they still forgot to reimplement it. (See replies)