Due to the changes to this weapon, you now do way better damage if you hit body shots than headshots. Which is rather confusing given that a bonk to the head hurts way more than a bonk to the stomach.
(numbers are for my weapon specifically, no talents used)
The unyielding headshot damage is about 360 while the flak body shot damage is 500. Which means if I attack an reaper, I want body shots as I do way more damage that way. Since his body is covered in flak and his head is unyielding.
And generally headshot damage for this weapon is pretty much nothing, looking at the damage table and having tested it myself you do about ~15 damage more. This isnt how a “headshot” should work. The only exception to this is flak armor which is ~75 damage.
Due to this weird thing, you do less damage on a headshot with the bully club MK1 to bulwarks, reapers, dreg gunners, dreg shotgunners and the horde enemies that wear armor but no helmet.
And barely any extra damage for Maniac, Unyielding, Infested, Unarmored if you do land a headshot.
This makes the weapon pretty much really bad as youre encouraged to not hit the head so you do more damage.
Please get the damage values in line so its more beneficial to headshot an enemy rather than trying to go for bodyshots. (and please dont lower the damage values).