[Build] Mez's Auric: Psyker #5 Scrier Army Knife

There aren’t enough build discussions on the forums. Let’s change that. One build, one thread. Use the [Build] tag in the thread title. Link to Games Lantern if able.

So this is a somewhat unorthodox build, but after 100’s of hours with psyker I’m always looking to mix things up. This is a strange hybrid of Brain Burst, Scrier’s Gaze, Empowered Psionics, with an Infernus Recon Las and Illis Forcesword. Crit-focused with a lot of synergies and decent survivability. Check out the full build and description below, and let me know what you all think.


Thanks for sharing! Gonna give it a whirl!

I have been really enjoying the VId on vet and Psyker. Been running infernus as well, and I regularly top the scoreboard on damage with an extra 100k burning damage (and deliciously-low overkill).

A key part of that is Dum Dum, which reups on fire ticks and is practically always in effect. I would strongly recommend that over Headhunter, especially on Psyker where True Aim feels like it is constantly nullifying/resetting Headhunter.

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Yeah - that’s a great point. I didn’t realize the fire ticks trigger dum dum. That’s pretty awesome.

I’ve liked the VIIa Mk because in addition to being a heavier hit I feel like it’s a lot more accurate and capable over mid-range. The Rate of fire still seems pretty fast … but do you think the damage potential of the VId is higher?

It’s always hard to comment on this stuff because people’s playstyles, difficulty, gear, and ofc which of those countless little tricks they know & use can be so different.

Personally I like the idea and I absolutely love & adore mixing things up for their own sake! That said, this is what I would change and why:

  • Change Illisi Bloodthirsty → Shred. Bloodthirsty is a peril hog as is Scrier’s and generally speaking can’t keep up with the pressure the way Shred can.
  • Go for the crit aura and put the talent from One with the Warp into Anticipation instead. Now your Illisi has +25% crit, the Recon +5%, and each crit gives you 1.5s of immunity against ranged. In practice esp. with Scrier’s active you can now just ignore ranged while attacking which is reduces overall toughness dmg far, far more than OwtW.
  • Also worth considering to just get Shred & Exorcist on the Illisi instead. Especially on Scrier’s & DD builds a Shred Illisi is so strong Slaughterer is hard to even notice anymore, but Exorcist lets you keep Scrier’s max stacked for a very, very long time.
  • Also really recommend getting Warp Speed in Scrier’s. Psykers rely on movetech & positioning to survive, not tanking. The extra movespeed with Mettle lets you routinely avoid ranged & melee passively while sprinting and just adds immensely to your survivability and positioning options in general.

But like I said these aren’t some objectively better absolutes or anything. Just my personal take on it. Yours seems like a fun build anyway and I’ve always had fun with EP BB & Scrier’s over the usual Assail & DD. :smile:


I honesty haven’t tested the VIIa thoroughly enough, but I love the RoF of the VId for triggering crits to proc Mettle and Infernus. It’s just so stinking fast.

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Thanks! I’m going to tinker around with all of that and see. What you say makes a lot of sense.

Indeed - there are so many little hidden tricks and nuances to how DT’s systems work. It’s too bad, because looking across it all at a surface level player’s often think there isn’t much crunch to dig into it… but there is quite a bit it’s just hidden and you have to know where to look.

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While we’re at it - any thoughts on ranged weapon selections? Anything I’ve overlooked for consideration?

Fairly close to what I run with other force swords / duelling swords and revolvers / pistols. I don’t use other ranged weapons due to the temptation to gun at all times. BB + EP or Assail + DD are both valid choices. BB + EP gives you more elite killing potential from afar, Assail + DD higher peril uptime and more mobility.

Peril based DR allows you to play around with frontliner psyker, Mettle and Empathic Evasion also help a lot with survivability, as long as you are hitting things.

Assail is slightly more useful here, as it is a quicker source of peril which translates into more toughness regen, DR and damage. Far less forgiving than zealot or ogryn builds, or VoC vet, but such a fun, fast and hard hitting playstyle. If you can manage the heat in melee, that is. Literally and figuratively speaking.

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I would never run EP, I think it’s an awful Keystone with BB, and especially on this build you will get so much more out of Disrupt Destiny over it.

Additionally take the crit node and increased dodge over the TDR with peril one. You’re not generating enough peril to get the best use out of it and the extra dodge should come in a lot more useful.

Also you should really replace Kinetic Resonance with Wildfire, BB doesn’t get a lot of help from Scryers and Wildfire will help keep Warpfire stacks up.


Graia and Columnus Autoguns, the Recon lasguns as you know, Accatran Las pistol is absolutely amazing, and Voidstrike is very strong with True Aim and Disrupt Destiny.

Would this interest anyone? 11 Brain bursts in 10 seconds.


Personally I’d remove Kinetic Flayer (KF) and add in Wildfire since you already added Perilous Combustion. Warp Speed also seems like a better choice than KF to help when ammo is tight and you need to melee more.

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