Bug Report: Psyker Feat 'Wrack and Ruin' does not apply the stacks to all the targets within 3 meters

Psyker Feat ‘Wrack and Ruin’ does not apply the stacks to all the targets within 3 meters

Steps to Repro:

Select the Psyker Operator
Make sure you have lvl 10
Select the Wrack and Ruin Feat
Find a group of targets with at least one special enemy
Target the Special with your Brain Burst
Observe that the stacks are not applying to all the enemy

Please see the video attached for more info

Feel free to reach out if you need more info.

I think im even more concerned by the pityfull useless damage

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I got clarification from a dev that this is actually all working correctly, these enemies are just not at the correct distance for all of them to trigger the effect.

Awesome, thanks for checking it out!