Broken charmed reload blessing and hammer heavy chain in motion

console-2023-10-26-12.51.37-647b2fbc-9bd7-4ae3-b563-4fe0627e3ada.log (229.4 KB)

Issue Description:

Charmed reload on heavy stubber isnt loading any bullets on critical hits, i believe sometime 2 bullets instead of 10.

hammers 2nd heavy attack in chain doesn’t work as intended when in motion (W,D,A,S) it restarts to the first heavy in chain which wasted 2 or 3 seconds.
it cancels the second heavy when in motion, going back to the charging from first heavy.

this is happening for many people.

Steps to Reproduce:
Test in Meat grinder or mission

Mission Name (If Applicable):

[Steam/Microsoft Store/Xbox]

steam emad94

Player ID:
fatshark id Emad#2791

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:

the hammer has been broken for alot maybe 2 months or more.
the stubber charmed reload broke upon the release of skill tree update.

Reproduction Rate:
Once - Rare (<10%) - Unusual (<25%) - Common (<50%) - Often (<75%) - Constant (100%)


Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]

[PC] Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
[Instructions: How To Provide a Crash Report, Console Log, or darktide_launcher.log]


I have the same issue, FatShark please fix this as it has been ongoing for a long time

This is one of the bugs that make gameplay not enjoyable.

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need a fix asp its been here since the update and none is talking about!!!

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True, i have the same problem, the hammer is nearly unplayable at the moment, please fix it asap

+1 for the hammer issue, quite annoying.
Hopefully it would get a quick fix :+1:

Are you also sprinting?

there is no heavy charging while sprinting. the second heavy charge (left to right) cancels while dodging for some reason after a recent updates (2 months). yet standing still only works as of now. :cry:

1st or 2nd heavy charge. It gets canceled after fury of the faithful at reaching a destination. Too.

with lag chances very low to work any at all. dogs still on lag too!

What Hammer exactly are you talking about? Both thunder hammers? Cause I haven’t seen this happen personally which seems odd. Perhaps I’m misunderstanding what weapon you’re referring to.

Edit: After trying to replicate what you’ve described I am unable to with both Thunder Hammer variants. Neither resets to first heavy attack no matter how much I move/dodge around so I really am curious as to what weapon you’re actually referring to here.

in addition. the mods were all deleted and uninstalled and game files repaired during tests…

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