Nothing much to add besides the title. Hi Shock Moebian modifer was one of the most fun and hardest modifiers in the game, on par or better than Monstrous. Additionally it had full horde density which the normal game is missing currently. Having it be tied to a limited time event is dumb, unless it means it was testing for full implementation (and hopefully removing the dodge catching bug they have).
Randomise the horde so we have all 3 types appear. And bring back static hordes.
They should bring back static hordes to normal missions (at least the amount that we currently have in lights out).
And they could double the amount of static hordes that we get in lights out missions.
This please!
I miss the Moebians
I’m on strike until they put them back.
While we’re on the topic of hordes, i think the AI director is bugged yet again.
Yeah I played an Auric Damnation smelter mission the other night and there must have been less than 200 enemies for the entire final area. The entire mission was much quieter than it should have been. Definitely some gremlins in the AI again
I would also really like to see the Moebian Modifier become a permanent feature, along with denser hordes.
at this point, also old special conditions like rinda in lights out, and future ones that will come should be forever in game. no reason to ever remove some piece of content in the game
they may come back every now and then i guess but it would be better if they would cycle through the mission board. hopeffully some adjustment to the mission board to select maps and conditions we want
It would be cooler if the hordes that were static had their eyes closed until we aggro them. Making them less visible in the dark 0=
While I think this would be great for full implementation, I would still like the modifier to be present.
maybe a mission that is focusing on them
like it was for dark omen in vt2 for beastmen. where beastmen were more present than skavens
but since they are just poxwalkers like, dunno
i like both ideas in the end but more favorable if it would remain still a special condition as well
we just need it to make it available in mission board even if it’s rare (just like rolling steel for now, it is very rare to find in mission board now )
something something add map selection that allows you to pick modifier(s) too
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