Brainburst Quelling on Weapon special Attack

Would be really neat to have Quelling when Brainburst is activated(Hands in Front) that u can Quell with special Weapon attack. Hitting R and tryig to dodge while Quelling is near Impossible.
I dont have many Buttons too many buttons on the Mouse. They are use for Nades and Weapons special attack already!

As a fellow psyker I don’t see the issue here tbh.
Could be difficult if a player is missing 2 fingers on the left hand.

lol what… How do you strafe right(D), and Quell(R) man and keep walking and Dodging. Its not like you have a Save Zone all the time…

there is still no connection between quelling and dodging.
And for dodging while walking you can pull that of by briefly releasing W for 2 frames, dodge, keep walking.


Have you looked at Keybinds?

Reload Button is Quelling “R”.
Dodging is Space

Sideways is “A” and “D” right?

to pull that off.

But please read before you write this time.

Why do u even care if there is quelling on Weapon Special Attack. If you dont like it dont use it!
There is nothing assigned to it so far

I understand the problem. The problem is OP needs a gaming mouse so he can have more buttons.

Sorry that comes off a little harsh, but for real, a serious gamer should have a gaming mouse so he can make full use of both hands to control the game. I have crouch, vent, grenade/bb special, ult, auto-leftclick and two different buttons for dodge on my mouse.

A quality gaming mouse with lots of inputs is worth it’s weight in gold. I like the Logitech G600, but it’s a bit wide. If you’re on a tight budget, make sure you can return the mouse and check it’s reviews for reliability, but get one. It’s absolutely worth it.

That said, it would REALLY help if we could use two separate buttons for one effect like we could in V2. Three even.

OP is just saying that you can’t be pressing R and D with your left index finger at the same time, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to say.

Double bindings would help in that regard, having Reload/Quell on a mouse button would mostly solve this.

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It’s a keybind issue you have to solve yourself

My personal mapping for Psyker is something i’ve never used before specifically to accomodate for dodging while quelling and casting

Specifically i usually have sprint on left Alt

But for Psyker i have reload/quell on left Alt, dodge on M4, and sprint on toggle with mouse wheel up
That gives me all the agility and flexibility i need to play with complete precision

Doesn’t require a particularly special mouse, only one with M4 M5 which you should have anyway if you’re gaming, it’s not like they’re expensive or difficult to find

Additional note, it’s very important you also configure your dodge to be easily accessible with crouching, dodge sliding is a very strong kiting and repositioning tool
If you keep the default configuration you’re not going to be able to do it on demand

I do wish we could save key bindings profiles though for different classes

Dude i have a Gaming Mouse, ridicoulous!
Just becasue you have more Buttons doesnt make it better Quality Gaming Mouse.
There are other Factors that are more Important. It seems you use a MMO Mouse, i dont


U cant Dodge right and Quell at the same time. You cannot always dodge left or back, easy as that.
The Special Wepon attack is not used on Brainburst, so it makes perfect sense to put it there. Also it makes sense since BB is different to other classes. YOu can have it all the time, but you need to Quell all the time aswell.
So there is no reason not to add this. BB generates a lot of Peril on one use, and also u are stuck with it at the beginning for a long time, since its ur only Psyker ability.

why should i solve it myself. Becasue u say so?
if you dont like it dont use it. Its a suggestion. You have ur Setup that works i have mine, easy as that!

There is a Keybind that is not used and would make perfect sense complementing Game Mechanics, regardeless what you say or want not to be!

On one hand, sure ; on the other, the problem also shows up when you have a staff, and staves do have a special attack. I’d recommend rebinding the R button to a mouse button, or, as I do, only dodge left or back when quelling :sweat_smile:

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Pardon, but since the R is closer to the D, wouldn’t it be easier to dodge right while holding R? That is if you don’t have it on a mouse button. ?

Not without pressing F or E, I have a sensitive mechanical keyboard. And if you mean with another finger, I’m going to start calling you a peasant :face_with_monocle:

I have Nades and Special attack on Mouse ^^

I know the Staff melee is good to get some Space but is really slow…

Dodgning left and Back doesnt cut it all the time.
Maybe a double bind depending which weapons is on?!

I wasn’t pretending in any way that staff special was any good, just saying that since it exists, quelling on weapon special button doesn’t work on staves and you can’t easily dodge right while venting with a staff.