Bots & Daemonhosts - Possible Glaring Oversight

I think there was an oversight in how bots and Daemonhosts interact.

Currently when triggered, the Daemonhost will kill at most, two people before retreating. First it will target the one who aggroed it. Then it will pick another random(?) player.

HOWEVER, if there are only two people in the lobby, and the Daemonhost decides to target these two people, then the game is basically over as there will be no more human players standing.
Given how it’s -extremely- difficult (if not impossible - unless I’m misreading any dodge windows) to survive the onslaught of attacks for more than 10-15 seconds or so, this is basically a guaranteed loss unless you’re a shield Ogyrn who can just cheese it with the shield’s alt fire.

I think as a safeguard, the Daemonhost should prioritize bot players over human players (even IF it’s a human player who triggers it). That way if a mandatory encounter happens, the game isn’t basically lost on the director’s whim regardless of how well you’ve played up until that point.