Blightstormers should always have line of sight to the storm

I’m tired of not being able to counter a Blightstormer because he’s hiding behind a rock while the storm swirls. The fact that they also blend in with the surroundings (courtesy of being dark visually) and don’t have a “tether” to the storm while it’s active doesn’t help.


Yes please!


Yes goddamn it yes.

They’re almost as annoying as 3-5 wargors in a crowded choke point

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Do you feel like it is an actual problem at normal cata? For more special deeds or twitch, ok but at normal i think it would be too easy if they stay line of sight. My question is an honest one, so i am indeed really interested in your opinion.

There’s a line between something being too easy and feeling unfairly frustrating which the game passes sometimes.

IF, and this is a IF, the Blightstormers become too trivial after such a change, then FS could just rework just buff them up some other ways.

For instance making them noticeably beefier or have a layer of armour or something to go through before dying. Being Nurgle sorcerers it’d fit them to be beefier anyways.

This way they’d still be more difficult to kill, but in this case there’s more emphasis on how much DPS you can throw in for the duration of his channel rather than being frustrated by a foe that you can’t even find.


Storm sniping you then hiding for ages in a position you literally can’t hit is just incredibly stupid.

Like they don’t need to have full body exposed at all times or anything, but at least their little noggin should be peaking out from wherever they’re hanging out while the storm is active.

Least favourite special across every horde coop game I’ve played by a very wide margin mostly just for this reason.

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Yes, I think so. In normal maps it is not as big problem but in CW it is because it hurts a lot. I play the most of my games with bots and Blightstormers are the cause of lost runs in like 50 % of all cases. They often cast their storm from somewhere I cannot see, they separate me from my bots, bots die and then I die and it feels horrible because there is nothing I can do about it because I cannot fight the storm and I cannot see the Blighstormer.
If I can make changes to Blightstormers I would make them so that they must always be visible by player when they cast their storm and they cannot be further like 30 m from the player. But I will welcome any changes that make fighting them easier because I really hate them in their current state.


I think they should need line of sight for calling the storm.

When they finish calling it, they can teleport, I don’t care.

Ah ok, yeah i dont play a lot of CW; but yeah imagine the tower map there, and they literally teleport 1-2 floors higher and you are at the bottom floor level…ok now i understand. On campaign maps it never annoyed (except for those bug teleports like in enchanters lair where they teleport out of the castle.

This should be always the case anyway, everything else i consider a bug and i hope fatshark does it as well.

I guess porting behind buildings is in CW a huge issue, sorry i have only argued from a campaign point of view, were this isnt that much of a issue.


I mean…the cases where they teleport off screen to cast their storm with impunity in Tower of Treachery was pretty bs as well…

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The blights do need line of sight on a player to begin casting, if your team positions well (and if the map allows for it xd) you can force them to spawn really close. Into the grain and a grudge served cold(?) intros can be horrible with blights though. Decreasing their max casting range might be nice

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I don’t really have an issue with them teleporting away after cast though, keeping them as a threatening special is nice

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No, they do not. They need a line of sight on at least one hero. It is a big difference when you play with bots.

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Yeah, a player (or bot), I do get that it’s frustrating when not playing in a premade group though. I honestly like how threatening blights are so I’d prefer to keep em like that

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Except there’s spots on maps where they can cast through walls/objects; famously in Enchanter’s lair or even the “front” gate during the Gatekeeper fight in Skittergate.

sry for being pedantic, XOXO

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I understand that perspective, but I think the amount of time you can be forced to go with zero real counter play beyond running away from the storm because you couldn’t get a shot on them during the initial cast comes across to be much more obnoxious and tedious than threatening.

I don’t have a terribly good solution to offer, but anything that decreases time spent just waiting for them to feel like showing themselves again would be appreciated.

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You think that’s bad, Life leeches VERY commonly start sucking you mid-cutscene…so if you’re trying to solo, you lose before you even have a chance