[Blessings with a Vengeance] Sister Valerie is done

At 2 448 hour mark I finally completed collecting all Blessings for Zealot class.
All human sized blessings are now mine!
Meanwhile, Ogryn is making steady progress, but there is still long road ahead of poor Lurch.
I hope, I can collect them all before crafting update… Not getting frame for 1 million kills before update while being just 65k away is boiling my blood.

Anyway, keep griding, keep crafting (or not), keep collecting till Fatshark will finally do something about it…

“I wanna be the very best,
Like no one ever was,
To catch them is my real test,
To train them is my cause
(Ooh ooh ooh!)”


Congratulations to you! :slight_smile:
I already got my 4500 + all achievements on all classes. And you know what? That’s it. I started to play the game less, I ran out of content, if you can call it content.

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no good way to track what blessings you have on a grand scale so i’m not going to consider gathering them all as content. therefore, the game is now out of content for me. no more penises to hunt.

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