[Blessings 2: Electric Boogaloo] Fumbles is done!

Well… I’m done with the Psyker! Now is Sister-Valerie’s [Zealot] turn to collect both blessings and penances.

I’m happy this time instead of being depressed. Could be low percentage of blood in alcohol or just lucky day.
Anyway - stay strong in the Emperor, cleanse chaos wherever you see it and have faith!
Emperor protects!



Getting all penances for all the classes was a fun enough challenge/task. I could never submit myself to getting all blessings for a class however. That sounds masochistic to the extreme.


Especially since higher tiers don’t automatically unlock all lower tiers of the same blessing. That alone is such an insane oversight


Or trying to get the level 2 exclusive blessings for shotguns…truly the work of a sadist!


I actually made a new character for some of the shotgun ones. Impossible to get low enough weapons otherwise.


I thank the RNG gods every day that it took me under a week to find the blessings for both the normal shotguns and the Ripper guns just looking at Brunt’s rotating store. I pray for deliverance for all the lost souls not as fortunate as I.


But I’ve managed. Also tier 1 and 2 are always accessible through Brunt… sometimes Hadron (only lvl 2 - she didn’t roll 1st tier blessing as a second blessing above level 30 but maybe I’ve been lucky).

So here is a joke for this joyous occasion:

  • Honey! I’ve found BDSM magazine under our sons’ bed, we need to punish him!
  • And what are you going to do? Spank him?
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I wonder if thats why there are 5 character slots :thinking:

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This is why Fulgrim was told to stop doing motivational posters before the heresy, Vulcan still hasn’t stopped huffing promethium.

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