I am happy to inform, that after 1924 hours of gameplay, shop camping and plasteel spending,
I finally did it! As of now I am proud owner of all Veteran accessible weapons blessings.
Seems like an achievement worth celebrating…
I don’t do collecting, never cared a whit about achievements etc. The only penances I cared about where the ones that had some cosmetics I’d like behind them. But! I did really want Man-Stopper and Flechette for my shotties on both zelly and vet. And after 1 year, 2 months, countless hours - and for the past 3 months checking the stores as regularly as I could specifically with my vet and zelly -,I finally got Man-Stopper a few days ago! Flechette was much easier, only took me 6 months iirc to get that.
I guess that is how Moebian 6th felt when Imperium didnt treat them enough with rewards and recognition of their campaigns
I would become a heretic aswell if that happened to me
Even though I dont have a need to get all Blessings for weapons, this number scares me alot and once again tells me that FS added the worst crafting system I could ever have experience with in my life