Blessings like decimator and shred losing all of their stacks on a miss feels bad

They should decay slowly, losing 1 stack at a time like some other blessings, or simply shouldn’t be fully reset on a miss like uncanny strike doesn’t.

with so many team mate variables like grenades going off killing an enemy you are swinging at - it just feels really bad to have all of your stacks reset.

Another option would be to remove a single stack on a miss.

Shred I think is fine losing it’s stacks, at only 5 ita not hard at all to regain it. Decimator on the other hand, requiring double that time, feels awful when like you said you swing at an enemy that is dead before you hit them.

For this reason I never pick decimator. Shred is already. You get at max lvl 4% crit chance for every hit until you have +20%. That’s very powerful.

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