Blessing bug Report

I found bug with weapon “brunt’s Basher mk lllb Bully Club” with blessing " Haymaker" - i can one shot mutants but cant one shot maulers

Please follow the format for bug reports with this kind of issue. Haymaker is not a 100% chance to one-shot and mutants (despite looking like mutated ogryn) are actually mutated humans and count as “human sized” enemies. Is something that always happens (as in you can never get a haymaker one-shot to happen to maulers) or is this something that only sometimes happens (indicating it could just be the RNG of haymaker working as intended)?

But the mauler is a human sized enemy, and I think you might be confusing it with a Crusher, only Ogryn and boss-type enemies cannot be killed by this blessing.
The three types of Ogryn enemies are crusher bulwark and reaper.
Based on my test results, mauler can be killed by this blessing.
I tested it on Steam and can’t guarantee that it will work on other platforms.

That is what I am saying. It isn’t a 100% chance even on max stack t4. So you can hit a mauler and it doesn’t instant kill several times in a row. It is something that would require you to go into the grinder with the spawner mod, spawn a bunch of maulers and use a low % damage haymaker and just wail on them to see if they instant die, if they do, it is working, if then never do it may be bugged.

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