Bleed Stacks

Bleed Stacks, how do they work exactly?

I understand that Bleed Stacks deal additional damage. How much damage in total exactly?

I understand that Bleed Stacks have a timer. Do multiple Bleed Stacks have a longer timer?

I understand that applying Bleed Stacks on an enemy that already has Bleed Stacks will do something to the timer. What does it do?

Are some enemies more affected by Bleed Stacks? If so, which ones?

Basically yes. Multiple bleed stacks just increases the tick each bleed proc does, duration ends at the same time. Almost every enemy type takes lousy DoT from bleed. Carapace and infested are like 1 damage a tick. It can kill unyielding type fast but they patched the ability to smack an ogryn’s shield as ogryn and kill it with 5 blocked heavies. That is missed.

Bleed is there to enable crit Zealot build which is still extremely ez mode. The bleeds do absolute squat there except give you up to 30% crit rate.

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well ogryn also has an payout talent for bleed, but since he doesn’t efficiently apply bleed…

*timer gets reset everytime another bleedstack is applied

bleed currently is only really used for payouts on the zealot atm, but since 3 classes already have ways to inflict or profit from it we could see more synergies in the future.

Bleed also causes damage almost linearly to number of stacks, compared to burn that deals damage exponentially. Bleed always caps at 16 stacks, burn can cap at anywhere from 6 to infinite depending on how it is applied. Soulfire is similar to burn but blue.

I’m not sure I understand. What does “tick” and “proc” means in this context?

With tick he means the tick damage and with the proc he means the damage intervals. But yeah, weirdly formulated since Bleed doesn’t have a proc chance. It just applies and then does the tick damage, which varies by strength depending on the amount of applied Bleed Stacks.

In my mind “tick” is an interval of time. Like a clock that does “tick-tock-tick-tock”.

Yeah, that reads like gibberish to me too.

Should be: Multiple bleed stacks increase the damage each tick does, every tick it loses one stack.

Not sure where they got the duration ends at the same time from.

So, what you mean is:

while stack > 0:
. damage = stack * factor
. stack = stack - 1

Where factor is dependent on the enemy type.


Good. We are getting somewhere.

Now, if this hypothesis is correct, we should be able to determine the value of each enemy’s stack damage factor by looking at the last damage taken, right?

Assuming the enemy survives…

It’s way easier to calculate than that. The Bleed stacks are a baseline additive calculation + They refresh.

If you have a dagger that puts out 4 Bleed stacks every hit, 4 attacks will get you 16 Bleed stacks and every new hit will refresh it. That is my understanding of it.

It’s probably closer to 5 hits since it’ll probably tick once and lose a stack between your attacks.

WTF is this MATHEMATICS BS!!! Math is Knowledge, Knowledge is Heresy! You don’t need to know the Math! You get your Scum faces out there and tank that damage like the worthless rejects you are! Bleed Stacks… The only Bleeding I’m interested in is the Blood running down my fist after I put it through your face! Toss the grenade, whip out your weapon, and kill stuff!


This is Inquisition business. Move along, citizen.

When do stacks expire?

You lose one stack with every damage tick.

Then what is this “refreshing” thing?

I have no idea, maybe they’re mixing it up with buffs like Slaughterer or headtaker.

30% Afaik it doesn’t stack 3 times…

Bleed stacks tick down way too slowly.
It’d be nice to have a “proc” on crit, which consumes 50% of the total bleed damage in an instant to deal damage.
Bleed is a bit of a meme.