… and it feel weird to me.
Ogryn has a whole 2 talents that are meant to revolve its gameplay around doing bleeding damage (so not nuking but slowly killing) but I’ve discovered that:
- The damage your bleed cause will decrease over time, which mean each individual stack has its own timer
- The maximum damage the bleed cause depends on the armor type of the target, not your weapon
I’ll do some more testing to see if I can understand the pattern of how the bleed increment and decrement over time when renewed or left to expire.
Overall, bleeding seems to be good only for non or light-armored enemies, as the higher the armor, the less damage it will do.
To be honest, I don’t know how I feel about it but it would be interesting if bleeding was instead damage based on the total health as we already have a type of damage that is specialized against armored (armor piercing).