Bile Troll is over-tuned

It’s the game’s fault that your friend’s ISP is bad? That’s illogical. Games are designed for normal performance, not Comcast performance.

Agreed. The pause between his attacks could go for being a pinch longer. Maybe half a second? Just something. You have to be almost flawless with your timing with slow weapons.

Troll even has a moment of invincibility. He’s one of the most obnoxious bosses to fight. His vomit, if it hits you, makes you nearly immobile, drains all your stamina, DoT damage, and blinds you. That’s pretty ridiculous. If the slow wasn’t quite as brutal and the stamina drain not so ridiculous, it would be more bearable. The unblockable hits kind of suck too.

My biggest issue with all bosses is how long it takes to kill them with melee weapons. If you’re given the luxury of time, you can do little chunks using weapons like the glaive. But if you’re the one with the aggro, you simply cannot get powerful hits off because there is never enough time to do them. You can dink them with the quick attacks, but holy rice balls does it take an eternity.

my only problem with troll is his targeting with the puke attack is too much, this one time i was up close to him trying to avoid it and it just rotated on a pivot holding it back till it could lock on to me at a point when i could no longer dodge it, also the other problem is you cant move at all wile puked on i just wish i could move atleast move slowly to brake free.

I should mention that since making this post, the Troll has been nerfed.

Personally I find him tolerable now, and much more in-line with the other sub-bosses (Legend difficulty). Of course, the Stormfriend is more of an ally than an enemy currently, and could maybe do with a slight adjustment, though the problem is less pressing than the Troll was.

Hopefully this post helped highlight the issues with Troll that led to his nerf. Thanks for the discussion everyone.

Hijacking the thread, but I’ve noticed that one of the troll’s attacks always seem to go just over Bardin.
Is this 100%? Intentional?

Please check the troll again cause in champion legend its not normal how it works. Some attacks seems bugged or something. Tons of times he hits you with vomit when he isnt even looking at you.