Big Balance Thread

FS created the one tru pellet as part of their response to the first range meta pandemic, IIRC. Blunderbuss and Grudge-raker being able to refill their ammo count from 1 to max was a problem. Their solution was not ideal, imo.

Having to aim for headshots in hopes of getting the tru pellet to hit, even tho the rest still trigger headshot sounds, is just weird. Could have simply put a 0.1 second cooldown on Conservative Shooter and the issue would be done.

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I worry if it would make shotgun ammo sustain a bit too good though.
Wit ha Bullseye pellet, player needs percision to get their ammo back, while with what you are suggesting it risks being as easy as just aiming “somwhere” in the direction of the enemy head.

It’s already in game so I don’t get what’s being proposed.

Every pellet is already capable of triggering headshots, shotgun procs seem to based on where the first pellet lands, not which. (one proc per unit hit)

Bullseye is a 100% accurate pellet, also so happens to connect first.
Assuming you actually aim that little dot on the head, you’ll get a headshot proc.
Grudge has one, Blunderbuss does not.

If you’re not getting headshot procs with Grudge it’s because of bad aim not “tru pellet” nonsense lol

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I understand how it works and how he intends it. I just find it bad design. It won’t kick in during emergencies as the name would imply it was designed for, it will kick in when players intentionally leave their weapons unreloaded, which to me is stupid. If it’s going to have a gameplay requirement it shouldn’t be one that relies on going against good habits, it’d be better served with some sort of requirement that promotes skill.

Because Exhaust is still boring even with +30% Crit imo. We have enough careers oriented around boosting critical chance on ult.

True. But imo a better solution than just shifting the meta to Heroism for every weapon that has a decent heavy/heavies to utilise it - Exec, M&S, Sp&S, etc.

It feels a bit too much like Slayer where you take one talent or the other in his level 10 tier depending on weapon, but then the same talent is bad with other weapons (albeit, in Slayer’s case, totally useless).

Hence why block + push / push attack would be more interesting / unique, if FS can make it fit.

I don’t like it either as 15% crit chance is plenty as is with that talent, but it is weird how without that the talent benefits him 5% of swings (again, apart from exec). A guaranteed crit every 6 or 7 swings seems a bit too good since it’d give the talent predictability and it’d be absolutely devastating then, probably too good.

Isn’t BB kinda average off of Huntsman? I haven’t used it in a while.

What wouild you suggest for it?
At the moment, I am somewhat struggling to think of something that promotes skill and counts as “last resort” on a ranged career.

Although a fair point, I am not sure how many we actually have.
WHC, Shade, Handmaiden… SotT?

I think that different talents benefitting different weapons is not inherently bad. We have good example of it on Footknight. And it’s not like it would limit GK’s weapon roster as drastically as Slayer’s talents do.

Well - that’s probably something we should suggest on Fatshark streams rather than try proposing with a balance mod. Still hard to come up with a good way to make your idea work honestly

I wrote this 5% crit down just in case.
Can be scrapped at any point without any harm if it proves too powerful.

Neither did I. Side effect of playing quickplay a lot and having to value long-range sniping ability because of that

I’m struggling to come up with a unique alternative. Maybe dodging with a ranged weapon out grants a 5s melee power boost and dodging with a melee weapon out grants a 5s ranged power boost? Like HM’s Willow Stance but with power.

My bad, I forgot FK was AS not crit. But yeah, I do feel it is plenty, especially if you count WHC boosting the party’s crits not just his own.

I agree but I’m not a fan of shoehorn talents you more or less must take depending on weapon choice. I can tolerate it on level 5 / level 15, I don’t like having it in the level 10 tier.

FK’s level 10 talents on the other hand are a bit trickier I feel as they can be quite good even on weapons they are not intended for, but it’s a bit hard for me to judge ad hoc since they are stagger breakpoint reliant. I do like them, unlike Slayer’s current level 10 tier.

Would just encourage dodge spam. And Ranger isn’t exactly a “dodgy” character. (By that I mean he doesn’t rely on dodges any more than any other ranged career, like BH or WS)
Something more like “interrupting enemy attacks increases reload speed” would have been more fitting (for a Dwarf at least), but he already has a reload talent in for of Firing Fury.

That’s… Probably fair.
But I wonder if there could be a third option then. Like… “Burning Head explodes on impact” or something.

In case with GK, he would probably still not be shoehorned as hard simply because he has so many melee options to chose from.

Speaking of Slayer. What do you think of the list of alternative propositions for the Skull-Splitter?

You’re going to have to show me because I’m certain that there is a central pellet in shotgun blasts and if that pellet doesn’t land you won’t get the proc, even if the other pellets do get a headshot (which they do all the time, they specifically still make a headshot noise without triggering headshot related things, hence tru pellet)

Based on where the initial pellet hits, not which.
You’ll still get headshot damage/noise on other pellets even if the initial pellet hits the body.
Blunderbuss doesn’t even have a central pellet, used Grudge and increased spread for demonstration. :pensive:

So I read auras , overcharge, Timed blocks and Crit Counters in the document… All buffs. Didn’t read any more.

This is a topic of massive wide ranging changes to things that do not even need touching until other more ridiculous stuff is addressed first.

Moonfire, Javelin, SoTT need sorting first.

Then stuff like GriffonFoot BH, RV MWP, WS ult and bloodshot, probably some attention to boss killer ULTs killing monsters before they even finish roaring.

After that more contentious stuff like Elf Sword and Dagger, Coghammer slayer basically permanently Yelling GRIMNIR! and pinballing around the place, Engineer annoying Micro of minigun, possibly some more tweak to Shade. A bit of a look at Pickaxe and Elf Axe, Crowbill. ++ inseert your own contentious talents/traits/builds here++

Once Sienna next career released…

Then some career stuff. Pyro is wonky, Huntsman needs some kind of changes to make more weapons enjoyable. Zealot will reappear as fairly daft playstyle of getting punched in the face makes you better once the EZ wins with elf are toned down. SoTT (although probably addressed earlier in she gets changed) The hedges need to GTFO blocking my blows and wrecking line of sight.

Finally, we might actually be in a position to address things like Swift slaying, and other traits, potion effects and THP gain across classes being quite silly. I haven’t really recorded it accurately, but I get the gut feeling most of my team wipes are a special gang-bang taking out 2 or 3 at once rather than attrition bringing players down.

If it isn’t done in the right order this thread will be picking peanuts out of poop for the next 600 replies… and this is likely to happen…and I’m not going to be joining in. Enjoy yourselves!

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Fine then! The first pellet to hit is the one tru pellet!!! I hate this game, lmao.

So you didn’t even scroll down to look that many of the things you have mentioned have been actually brought up in the document? You just assumed that everything is going to be unrelatable?

I guess that explains a few things. I might need to shuffle things around in the document to bring more trending parts towards the first page.

Yeah once it was all buffs I gave up. In a list of balance concerns Tweaking Haleborg’s tutelage is so far down the fish have got lights on their faces.

Eh, this isnt quite right.

OP wrote up and listed whatever came to mind…just because it´s not in the order you´d like doesnt mean he´s absolutely wrong about it.


Yet it is still concerning.
Good presentation is half the success of the idea, and it seems I have failed to pitch it.
I wonder how much damage was done and how many people were deterred by it at this point…

Allow me to blow your mind. There is one simple trick you can utilize to instantly give yourself an angle advantage that lets you get headshots with the blunderbuss more often under most circumstances. It’s called jumping.

Argonaut’s whole shtick is that he believes powercreep is the worst thing imaginable and that anything except huge, sweeping nerfs is powercreep. Make of that what you will.

Dno, I really think if people are going to argue against the points in the documents, then they should at least have the decency to read it for the most part. Presentation is nice an all but really should be mostly irrelevant in discussion like this.

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Well, I already knew that, I have been around the forums for a few years.
But he is not alone in his camp. He does have quite a few fair points and even if we disagree on something, I still like to know his opinion, because he migh illuminate something I have overlooked. At least when he shows the courtesy to look at what I wrote.

From what I have noticed, some people don’t even want to argue sometimes.
But just in case, I decided to move the more “novel” things further down, so for the unprepared people, the very first things they see are Weapons and Talents.

Anyways to actually contribute something.

Where is mace&sword? This thing has like giga busted cleave and stagger on its heavies while still doing insane dmg. It really does not need all 3.
Halberd probably needs some of its attack speed back on certain attacks.
Exe probably just needs bit of attack speed back on lights to feel bit more reasonable, if it needs nerfs then nerf the heavy. Don’t really think messing with this weapons finesse multipliers does much to its balancing.

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