Title says it all i think Zealots and Vets should get a shield option.
they would be able to block as the Slab Shield but perhaps have a different Special.
maybe the Character will Kneel when they block making them cover for their allies?
give us a Shock Maul / Devil Claw Sword / Heavy Sword Version,
i think its about time for something like this in Darktide.
and some of the shields are already in game.
personally i would love the armors if they were added,
but also i would love shields type weapons for the Vet and Zealot.
it be nice to run a Shock& Shield build for the Zealot, or a Chainsword& Shield build for Vet.
also it would open up new ways to play,
as right now its all about Golden Toughness in higher levels.
having a shield option could break up some of that.