Better customization system

imma start by linking this vid that says almost all of it for people who dont wanna read my rambly comment with the addition that i feel as the title says that the customization system itself needs a rework to be more modular like this mod in the video

now as for the people are fine reading the comment of a guy who failed 11th and 12th grade english class outta sheer hate for english class and a refusal to do any work in it, personally i feel fatshark needs to get in touch with this guy and firstly see if they could pay him properly for each cosmetic he made and more than that, than also go on to pay for his cosmetic system that allows for proper modularity with than lastly, and this might be contreversal but games need to make money, i know so how about this. the commadore shop either gets removed entirely or only gets the best of the best sh*t in it with no more rotation and to make of for the loss of the FOMO, give us a battle pass that gives us cool new cosmetics both on the free but especially on the paid version each month that takes the average player probably at least 3 or so weeks to get through so the dedicated ones will only get it done by likely the 2 week mark while the less dedicated ones probably will still get through it by the end of the month to ensure people dont feel annoyed by the thought of having had no time to make their way through it.

this way they still make money on the game and can appease the annoying as hell investors who dont understand how to make a game thrive and dont realize that they constantly go around fcking strangling their golden geese like homer simpson trying to get just one more egg outta it when they coulda had 10 more just by the end of the week alone if they didnt hurt it or even touch it themselves with most of all tho, what mister mugsy said is the truth and the biggest turnoff if you ask me given that the weapon system is finally getting fixed. please fatshark, try your damndest to get your investors and shareholders to both see this video and actually understand it and convince them to let you guys just make a good game for us PLEASEā€¦ its getting better and better each year and more and more players are coming back or trying it and loving it so PLEASE dont settle with things like this and just accept it and actually fight for your dmn players a bit to make good changes for the game.

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