BB disabling itself and other bugs

Normal tier 1 gunners can fire through every wall from all angles.

Single tier 1 poxwalker able to take 100% HP and toughness to drop player in 1 melee hit.

BB now disables itself if you turn slightly away from the enemy making it glitch out and leave you vulnerable. Targeting BB can be stopped by 2 mere pipes or hip high fence that enemies can continually headshot through and around.

Voidstrike staff nerfs itself mid match to be so weak it needs up to 12 (counted) charged shots to kill a single tier 1 enemy at some points.

Gunners and everything now interrupts brain burst constantly.

to reproduce play psyker… although our zealot and veteran were screaming WTF at the typhoons of bullets penetrating every cheese grater gap and wall. Zealot shouted that their special ability wasn’t working either.

At least the dogs attacks seem to work properly as a wave now.

Enclosing log if it’ll help

console-2023-05-29-16.39.37-7d392a1a-6092-46a3-80bd-0725fddf7a37.log (248.1 KB)

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