Remove Brain burst blocking fences

There are a number of fences across the various stages that for whatever reason are completely incapable of being brain bursted through, despite every single weapon being capable of shooting through them. This is dumb and shouldn’t be a thing. If it’s a bug, I’ll delete this post and put it in bugs.


A number of those places also won’t allow Surge lightning to pass through.

Yet surge lightning can go through most walls, cover, through corners, etc.

Not disagreeing with you, just agreeing that it’s inconsistent.

Yeah that’s super annoying. Thanks for the vids ; I think you should cross-post this in the Bugs section, since you’ve documented this pretty well.

Two months later and this is still a problem I run into pretty consistently, particularly with certain guardrails. If I can see a dude who is currently shooting me through some sort of barrier, I should be able to target them with BB.

I’ve had it with these heretics and their warp-insulated fences!

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I also support this.

I’ve had enough occasions when I’ve had to jump or do other gymnastics in order to get BB to lock on a target I can clearly see and who’s actually shooting at me.

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I barely play psyker and that’s a +1 from me.

Signed. This is a major issue.