The new map has clearly made a lot of people quite unhappy about the first section and the barrels.
I personally am fine with it as I’m quite aware to stay away from the ledges in general but it does raise the issue of barrels again.
Surely the cartoon levels of flying that happens to players needs to be toned down to match the absolutely minimal effect it has on enemies?
Whilst it’s funny (for a short while) it soon becomes pretty lame. Especially if you’re attempting some of the survival penances and a stray barrel propels you 200ft off a ledge whilst all the enemies next to you got a mild stagger from it. This is even the case for an Ogryn in a sea of puny enemies.
It’s just weird and needs changed imo.
I think barrels would be much less divisive if they behaved the same for both enemy and player. Same goes for bursters too I guess.
I always thought that somewhere in the darkest corner of the Fatshark office there is that one designer and one dev who made sure all maps have barrels and ledges with no rail guards.
You have these beautifully designed backdrops, complex maps, and the storyline that the entire area has been abandoned. Then, they’ve littered it with explosive sea-mines and barrels of explosive compounds. I don’t really know why. Is it just meant as a booby trap? They do so little useful damage to enemies that they’re not really a boon to the playing team.
And I’ve been on some chemical factory sites, and I can say with some certainty that barrels of explosive/inflammatory materials are not left lying around!
Sir are you questioning the health and safety standards of the Imperium? Heracy!
I mean, I’m sure it could easily be explained away in terms of narrative (life is held in low regard, chaos forces are building explosives, it’s materials used for nafarious chaos shinannigans etc) but it’s the crazy disparity between blast effect on player and enemy that gets me.
We don’t need to fly like 10 tonnes of Acme cartoon dynamite just exploded at our feet lol
Players will just learn that this is a hazard of that area and adjust their playstyle. It’s the closest thing we have to dangerous terrain.
Edit: Once you’ve completed all levels of the Situational Awareness penance you are always aware of any explosive barrels in the same room as you. It is burned into your brain.
I think that’s exactly why its left in. It is goofy and stupid, but its also the most preventable goofy and stupid that exists. And the upshot of barrels moving you is too beneficial in the gameplay to call niche. I’d say it should be a very niche scenario to get barreled after playing any scenario a couple times. You can see where the barrels appear, there are a lot fewer ledges now that there was another Tertium worksafe pass on all the catwalks in the game. Much to my chagrin, so many spots to throw daemons/bosses into holes are now railing.
Are you seriously arguing the case for barrels to rocketjump? Come on, you must see that is pretty absurd.
I genuinely never ever see anyone doing that deliberately.
If you need a barrel rocketjump to get away from enemies then you might be playing the wrong difficulty level
And live barrels are randomly generated each match. You can’t possibly know every location and that’s irrelevant anyway. A barrel should not propel the character any further than it propels enemies. Rocket jumping is not a valid reason in this game. It’s not quake.
Nah its pretty common on last alive no stealth for a barrel to be useful. Bulwarks break stamina with their shove and elite overheads can’t be blocked. The spawn is impossible to outrun. Using a barrel and knowledge of physics is a huge run saver when it comes to making the widest possible gap to save players.
And yeah I’d be really sad to see it go because of carelessness, barrels can very easily not be an issue with awareness. They are also very fun, the movement system in this game is quite entertaining and they are a literal speed boost in the air which is always maximized fun. Especially with how blocking in this game doesn’t matter so much as physically getting away, its not like VT2 where you revive in the group of elites meleeing you no problem.